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City of St. Anthony <br /> Parks Task Force Recommendations <br /> • In the summer of 1997 the mayor and city council of St. Anthony established the Parks Task <br /> Force to study the city's parks and make recommendations for their design and usage. <br /> The Task Force was given eight guidelines to use-when reviewing the existing park,system. <br /> Members of the Task Force met from July 1997 until April 1998, when the following responses . <br /> were set forth. <br /> 1. What should be the overall configuration of Central Park? <br /> The Task Force reached a consensus of what elements Central Park should contain. The final <br /> configuration of Central Park will be an ongoing process. (See attached plan and elements list.) <br /> 2. What additional features should be implemented beyond those currently in the <br /> parks or not on any of the proposed plans? This could include paths with <br /> benches and plantings as well as the location of the Performing Arts Center. <br /> The Task Force recommends: <br /> -walking pathways, benches,landscaping and natural areas be added to the parks <br /> -an aesthetic focal or entrance point to Central Park should be included in the overall renovation <br /> -an additional restroom facility needs to be made available to the public at Central,Park(This need <br /> . could be met by upgrading the existing skating rink restroom and extending the season and times <br /> the doors remain unlocked.) <br /> -outside performing arts center <br /> 3. What additions or changes should be made to parks other than Central Park? <br /> Due to the potential flood control plans being discussed by the Flood Control Task Force,which <br /> may include major excavation and total revamping of Emerald and Silver Point Parks,the Parks <br /> Task Force is unable to address the needs of those two parks. Members of the Parks Task Force <br /> did inventory and draw layouts of the parks as they exist to aid in planning and renovating,but <br /> tabled their efforts to go further. <br /> The Task Force proposes a Parks Commission assess additions or changes to the two parks as part <br /> of the recommended St. Anthony Village Comprehensive Plan for the entire park system. <br /> 4. What is the schedule at which these recommendations should be implemented? <br /> Once the comprehensive plan has been drafted and cost assessments obtained,a phasing schedule <br /> can be drawn up. The Task Force suggests play areas will have a significant impact on the <br /> . community and should be a top priority. The success and visibility of completing the play areas <br /> will help keep the momentum for continuing work on the remainder of the park plans. <br /> Page 1 of 2 <br />