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City of St. Anthony <br /> Parks Task Force Recommendations <br /> for Establishing a Parks Commission <br /> . One of the questions presented by the Mayor and City Council to the Parks Task Force in July <br /> 1997 asked if there should be a Parks Commission and if so, how should it be structured. After <br /> months of Task Force meetings it became increasing clear a Parks Commission should be <br /> established as soon as possible to deal with ongoing,and upcoming park issues. . It was <br /> unanimously agreed a Parks Commission is necessary to create and manage a comprehensive, <br /> long-term plan for the parks of St. Anthony. <br /> In that spirit, the Task Force offers the following recommendations as to a possible Park <br /> Commission structure,designated responsibilities and mission: <br /> Structure: <br /> •7 members representing citizens of the community+an informal,non-voting student representative <br /> -three-year terms(staggered) <br /> -members be appointed by the city council <br /> -compensation as the city council shall provide by resolution <br /> -elected chairperson&vice chairperson <br /> -name liaisons between city council and staff& park commission, community services & school <br /> board <br /> Responsibilities: <br /> -Advise the city council and staff regarding park issues and ideas. <br /> -Complete a comprehensive, long-term park plan in relation to the community as a whole. This <br /> plan should be viewed as a working document that serves as a framework and reference for future <br /> • <br /> development. <br /> -Develop routes into other communities in the form of bikeways, walking paths and corridors of <br /> green space wherever possible. <br /> -Establish priorities and recommend a phasing plan and schedule for implementing 'park <br /> improvements,renovations and new creations. <br /> •Investigate funding sources, including requesting increases in the city budget designated for parks <br /> and greenways. <br /> *Seek out new areas for additional parks, natural areas, walking paths, bikeways and corridors. <br /> -Generate community involvement in the development of the parks and their elements. <br /> -Provide an opportunity for individuals or groups,upon request, to address the parks commission <br /> regarding park matters. <br /> *Address the operation and maintenance of the parks. <br /> •Periodically revue, re-evaluate and update the comprehensive park plan to reflect the current and <br /> future needs of the city. <br /> Mission: Create and manage a comprehensive, long-term park plan that attempts to meet the <br /> . aesthetic,leisure and activity needs of St. Anthony residents of all ages and abilities. <br /> [Drafted by Andrea Lee Lambrecht and David Gordhamer,Park Task Force,March 19981 <br />