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PL PACKET 01231995
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PL PACKET 01231995
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 15, 1994 <br /> Page 12 <br /> 1 Mr. Lundeen asked if Apache Plaza was still in bankruptcy and how the size of this CUB Foods <br /> 2 will compare to the store located at Northtown or in Little Canada. <br /> 3 Dennis Cavanaugh responded that Apache Plaza is not in bankruptcy but that it was in <br /> 4 receivership. He stated that this will not affect the project at all. <br /> 5 Narlock informed the audience that CUB Foods at Apache would be 75,000 square feet and <br /> 6 compared it to the Maple Grove store which is 88,000 square feet. <br /> 7 Chair Gondorchin added that there has been an allotment to the south made for expansion of the <br /> 8 CUB store at a later date'to the 88,000 square foot size. <br /> 9 Mr. Lundeen expressed concern as to the people living on Silver Lake and inquired as to the size <br /> 10 of the ponds that were being installed. <br /> 11 Chair Gondorchin explained that the ponds would be addressed later in the meeting. He stated <br /> 12 that the ponds meet the Rice Creek Watershed District recommendations at the time the plans <br /> 13 were completed and submitted. <br /> 14 Wayne Mikkola, 3518 Skycroft Drive, expressed his full support for the project. <br /> 15 Jim McNulty, 2921 33rd Avenue N.E., stated he was on the Council at the time Apache was <br /> 16 built. At that time it instilled a vitality in the community. This is what he thinks this project will <br /> 17 do now. He doesn't want to see a wall built up between the people on Silver Lake and the other <br /> 18 residents in the community. He feels that these ponds are taking care of a good percentage of the <br /> 19 drainage. He hopes that the people of Columbia Heights, Wexford Heights and the people <br /> 20 around Silver Lake are taking care of their fertilizers and nutrients that may be going into the <br /> 21 lake. <br /> 22 Commissioner Faust stated that he lives on Silver Lake and there is not a wall being created <br /> 23 between the residents on Silver Lake and the rest of the community. Silver Lake is considered a <br /> 24 St. Anthony "treasure". He has worked very hard on the preservation of the lake, along with Dr. <br /> 25 Can:, Wexford Heights, Columbia Heights,New Brighton, and Ramsey County. The Silver Lake <br /> 26 Homeowners Association does a lot to reduce pollution in the lake. However, there still are a lot <br /> 27 of people who put the phosphorus into the lake. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Mary Bauer,4000 Foss Road#103, said that she was there to see the first shovel of dirt turned <br /> 30 over for Apache Plaza. She is glad to see this project and wants it to go ahead. <br /> 31 Dana Erickson, 3320 Croft Drive N.E., voiced his support for the project. He moved to St. <br /> 32 Anthony 3 years ago and couldn't believe how much Apache had changed since he was a child. <br /> 33 He is glad the project is going forward and hopes that everyone feels the same as he does. <br />
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