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PL PACKET 01231995
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PL PACKET 01231995
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PL PACKET 01231995
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 15, 1994 <br /> Page 13 <br /> 1 Doug Jones, 2505 Silver Lane N.E., questioned the change to the ground lease for First Bank. <br /> 2 He inquired as to the changes in traffic flow. <br /> 3 Mr. Cavanaugh reported that the only changes to the ground lease for First Bank is the addition <br /> 4 of a small area which will provide additional stacking room for the drive up facilities. Based on <br /> 5 the studies completed by Knox and CUB, there should be no changes in the traffic pattern due to <br /> 6 the project. <br /> 7 Mr. Jones questioned the location of entrances for Knox and CUB Foods. He asked if there was <br /> 8 an entrance to Knox from Stinson Blvd. He also asked into what area the proposed outdoor <br /> 9 storage areas will be draining. <br /> 10 Mr. Cavanaugh reported that there is an entrance to Knox from 39th Avenue. The traffic from <br /> 11 37th Avenue and Stinson can use that entrance. The proposed drainage system was designed so <br /> 12 that the outdoor storage areas would drain into the ponds. <br /> 13 Mr. Jones asked if there was a possibility that there could be an entrance to CUB from the <br /> 14 Stinson side of the mall. He encouraged the developer, CUB Foods,Knox Lumber and the <br /> 15 Planning Commission to maintain access to the mall from both sides, as it is very important to <br /> move the traffic through the center. He believes this will increase the value of the out buildings <br /> 7 located there. <br /> 18 Mr.Narlock responded that there was access to the mall from the Stinson side by using the main <br /> 19 service road located on that side of the mall. <br /> 20 Robert Meyer, 3000 N.E. 33rd Avenue, a 14 year resident of St. Anthony, has used Apache Plaza <br /> 21 for many years and has seen it go down hill as many others have. Right now he does his <br /> 22 shopping 11 miles away and he drives 17 miles to buy his lumber and other things. He feels that <br /> 23 if we have CUB and Knox here, it will be a tremendous addition to the community. He feels that <br /> 24 St. Anthony really needs the project or there will be nothing here. He stated that something has <br /> 25 to be put in there but he questions if this addition will really help the remaining mall area since <br /> 26 there will be no direct access to the mall from the 2 stores. <br /> 27 Mr. Cavanaugh responded that the main mall at Apache Plaza does about$10,000,000 per year <br /> 28 in retail sales. CUB and Knox will generate between $65-70,000,000 in retail sales per year. <br /> 29 This will improve the retail base and there will be more traffic than there has ever been. SAV <br /> 30 Liquor Warehouse will be relocating into the mall and Herbergers will possibly be expanding. In <br /> 31 the final analysis, we will have 10,400 square feet of vacancy which will be attractive to new <br /> 32 tenants now that we will have CUB and Knox in the mall. <br /> John Calguire, 3436 Silver Lane, stated that he is also in favor of the proposal. He feels that <br /> more lives will be affected positively than negatively and that is the bottom line in this issue. <br /> 35 <br />
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