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PL PACKET 01231995
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PL PACKET 01231995
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 15, 1994 <br /> Page 24 <br /> 1 Watershed had suggested a low-flow diversion down Silver Lake Road and Silver Lane. He <br /> 2 stated that if these 2 things were done, he would be satisfied with the plan. <br /> 3 Mayor Ranallo reminded that they had tried to enlarge that pond but there is not enough <br /> 4 property. CUB and Knox have stated that if that pond is enlarged, they will not have enough <br /> 5 room for parking. <br /> 6 Regarding the roof run-off going directly into the storm sewer, Mr. Palmer clarified that a study <br /> 7 has shown the water quality of the roof run-off is higher than the present water quality in Silver <br /> 8 Lake. Because of this, the water is not being directed into the ponds. <br /> 9 Bill Mackey, CUB Foods, reported that when they presented their plan, they indicated that the <br /> 10 property as configured and with the proposed ponds, created a tight parking situation, but one <br /> 11 that CUB could operate with. He stated that if the size of the pond is increased, it will diminish <br /> 12 the parking area to an unacceptable level. He reported that CUB also has plans to expand this <br /> 13 store in the future. When they expand, they will diminish their parking even further. <br /> 14 Jim McNulty, St. Anthony resident, stated that he has lived in St. Anthony for many years and <br /> 15 Silver Lake has always had discoloration in the water. He reminded that the Village is cutting <br /> 16 the run-off from 20%to 5%, which is a big difference. He asked what the other entities involved <br /> 17 were doing for the lake..He questioned why the development was being held up because the <br /> 18 Village can't afford the last 5%due to the exorbitant cost. <br /> 19 Jeanette Dick, St. Anthony resident, asked how close the drainage pond on the south is to New <br /> 20 Market store. She suggested that the New Market building be demolished. There could then be <br /> 21 more parking and a larger pond could be built there. Mr. Cavanaugh reported that this was not <br /> 22 economically feasible. <br /> 23 Mary McCrossan, St. Anthony resident, asked if a compromise would even be possible with the <br /> 24 petition in place. She suggested that the first step may be to remove the petition. <br /> 25 Mr. Haik stated that the petition does not need to be removed so that the entities involved can <br /> 26 talk. They can sit down and talk at any time. <br /> 27 William Soth, City Attorney, responded that it is possible for the parties to get together and talk <br /> 28 but that Rice Creek Watershed District has elected not to do this. He suggested that the <br /> 29 Watershed District would very much like to see the City, Apache Plaza and the residents present <br /> 30 a compromise. The Watershed is being forced to make a very difficult decision in this situation. <br /> 31 An unidentified resident asked how many people had signed the petition. <br /> 32 Commissioner Faust reported that there are 53 homes on the lake, a church and the Salvation <br /> 33 Army Camp. Only 23 of the households on the lake signed the petition. <br />
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