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PL PACKET 01231995
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PL PACKET 01231995
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 15, 1994 <br /> Page 23 <br /> 1 Diane Schroeder, St. Anthony resident, asked specifically what the Home Owners Association <br /> 2 wanted done. <br /> 3 Mr. Haik responded that they are only looking for what the MPCA recommends. <br /> 4 Commissioner Faust stated that he lives on the lake and he is not in support of the petition. He <br /> 5 reported that he has seen some improvements in the quality of the water because he has worked <br /> 6 on various issues of run-off water quality, the redesign of Silver Lake Road, etc. He questioned <br /> 7 if this petition was being used as a form of legal intimidation. He stated that he believes the <br /> 8 Apache project is for the betterment of the entire community. He explained that the City and <br /> 9 also other parties involved have gone way beyond the requirement in good faith. <br /> 10 Kirk Larson, St. Anthony resident, stated that he has a daughter in the school district. He sees <br /> 11 the benefits of this project as two-fold. The first benefit being to the City. The second being that <br /> 12 the school district will benefit as this project will bring more kids into the area because more <br /> 13 people will want to live here. He reiterated that collecting 79%of the storm water is very <br /> 14 efficient and better than not making any improvements at all. He urged the parties to <br /> 15 compromise. He stated that this project would be good for the City,the school board and our <br /> 0 kids, who are our future. <br /> 17 Mr. Cavanaugh explained that C. G. Rein has compromised several times with the storm water <br /> 18 management issue. The first offer was to spend$75,000 but the City did not accept this offer. <br /> 19 They then offered $125,000 but that offer was not accepted. They are now up to $250,000. He <br /> 20 stated that this is very frustrating as there is a project here that is ready to go. A 90 day delay <br /> 21 could kill this project. He stated that he has offered and is still willing to sit down with the <br /> 22 neighbors and try to resolve the issues. <br /> 23 Mr. Haik stated that the Association is very willing to sit down at the table but that the principle <br /> 24 party in this issue is Rice Creek Watershed District. They need to be involved in this process. <br /> 25 They are the ones who will be issuing the permit. He stated that if Rice Creek Watershed will sit <br /> 26 down and negotiate, the Silver Lake Homeowners Association will be there. If not,there is no <br /> 27 benefit in negotiating. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Commissioner Thompson stated that he has been a resident of St. Anthony for many years. He <br /> 30 lives near Apache and welcomes any traffic that comes with the project. He sees a great <br /> 31 improvement with the three ponds. <br /> 32 Dr. Carr reported that Ramsey County did an analysis of the 26 lakes in the county and rated <br /> 33 them. Silver Lake was rated 24 out of 26. He stated that he still feels that a compromise can be <br /> reached. He would like to see the lake improve to be the best it can be. He reiterated that all the <br /> roof and the east parking lot run-off is going right into the lake. He suggested that if the ponds <br /> 36 could be made bigger, possibly some of the sediment would dilute out. He stated that Rice Creek <br />
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