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PL PACKET 09171996
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PL PACKET 09171996
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> August 20, 1996 <br /> Page 14 <br /> 1 VII. CONCEPT REVIEW. <br /> 2 A. Proposed Building Site and Plans for SAV II - OPUS. Apache Plaza. <br /> 3 Mr. Tom Gurtzner, KKE Architects presented a preliminary site plan Tor the SAV II Liquor Store <br /> 4 at Apache Plaza.. This proposal includes an addition to the existing Tires Plus building. The <br /> 5 building is approximately 10,000 square feet and the addition of 4,800 square feet will result in a <br /> 6 building just above 15,000 square feet. The main entrance of the store will be located at the <br /> 7 - northeast corner of the proposed building. Parking will be on three sides along with the existing <br /> 8 parking. Some regrading will be required to correct drainage on the site. There will be several <br /> 9 one way entrances and some two way traffic. There are 27 parking stalls provided for the SAV II <br /> 10 store. A total of 54 parking stalls located on the site which exceeds the requirement of 50 stalls. <br /> 11 The entire parking lot will be restriped. <br /> 12 Mr. Gersner then presented the preliminary floor plan. Total square footage of the SAV II store j <br /> 13 is 8,300 square feet. Mr. Gersner noted the 60 foot cooler which dictated the layout of the store. <br /> 14 Mr. Gersner explained the exterior design of the building. It will coordinate with the current <br /> 15 design of the mall. Signs are intended for two sides of the building to attract traffic from both <br /> 16 frontage roads. The signs will be approximately 54 square feet each which is within the sign <br /> 17 requirements. <br /> 18 Mr. Gersner stated this proposal will require one variance of the interior lot line. <br /> 19 Mike Larson, Liquor Store Operations Manager, stated the hardship to justify the variance occurs <br /> 20 because the SAV II store has to stay within the building line of the bank and the existing Tires <br /> 21 Plus store. <br /> 22 Commissioner Gondorchin asked if Tires Plus was satisfied with the parking arrangement. He <br /> 23 also questioned if the width of the building was due to the large cooler. <br /> 24 Mr. Gersner stated he believed Tires Plus was satisfied with the parking arrangement.. He noted <br /> 25 the width of the store was due to the large cooler. Mr. Larson stated the cooler needed to be this <br /> 26 size as beef sales accounted.for 62%of the store business. <br /> 27 Mr. Gersner explained the canopy on the building now will continue to the side of the building <br /> 28 and then cut back to a small metal canopy. <br /> 29 Commissioner Gondorchin asked if an area was reserved for the dumpster and if the color of the <br /> 30 signs had been determined. <br /> 31 Mr. Gersner stated the dumpsters belonged to Tires Plus. The bulk of garbage from the liquor <br /> 32 store is cardboard and is stored inside. <br />
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