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PL PACKET 09171996
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PL PACKET 09171996
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> August 20, 1996 <br /> Page 15 <br /> 1 Mr. Larson stated the color of the signs has not yet been determined but he would work with <br /> 2 Tires Plus and OPUS to insure they are compatible on this issue. <br /> 3 Commissioner Franzese expressed concern with the curb cuts and the traffic flow on site: <br /> 4 Commissioner Gondorchin stated he felt the curb cuts were a good feature to control traffic. <br /> 5 Commissioner Horst expressed his concern with the lot line variance and the size of the proposed <br /> 6 liquor store. <br /> 7 Mr. Larson stated this size was consistent with other liquor stores in the area. They had <br /> 8 considered downsizing the building but it was not feasible, especially with a CUB Food Store <br /> 9 being built on the site. <br /> 10 Chair Bergstrom thanked Mr. Gersner and Mr. Larson for the presentation. <br /> 11 B. Proposed Building Site and Plans for Lot 3. Apache 3 Plaza- OPUS. <br /> 12 Jay Scott, OPUS Corporation, introduced Lee Steadman, President of Realty Development <br /> 13 Advisors. Mr. Steadman has purchased Lot 3 from First Bank, St. Marie Company. <br /> 14 Mr. Steadman stated the proposal will include an 8,500 square foot building which will be <br /> 15 oriented toward Silver Lake Road. Two businesses will be located in the building. One <br /> 16 proposed business will consist of 2,000 square feet and will include a low impact drive-through. <br /> 17 This area would be ideal for a photo finishing store such as Ames or ProEx. The rest of the site, <br /> 18 approximately 6,500 square feet will be used for a video store. 89 parking stalls are provided on <br /> 19 the site. The main access will be off 39th Avenue. <br /> 20 Mr. Steadman illustrated the elevation of the building. He stated the exterior will be an efface <br /> 21 matter with brick on the lower level and rock face block on the back of the building. The <br /> 22 building may have to be moved due to the building envelope which is included in the Restrictive <br /> 23 Easement Agreement they have with Super Valu. They are currently working with Super Valu to <br /> 24 resolve this issue. <br /> 25 Mr. Scott explained the building envelope was included in the REA to allow Super Valu to <br /> 26 approve the sight corridors. This building appears to be small enough to shift to the north to <br /> 27 accommodate the view corridor if necessary. <br /> 28 Mr. Scott stated the only variance request would be a parking lot setback variance to the west of <br /> 29 5 feet. The other option would be to remove the parking area to the west as the parking stalls are <br /> 30 not needed at this time. It would however,be more cost effective to install the parking now. Mr. <br /> 31 Scott stated the sign plan should be within the City's sign criteria. <br /> 32 Commissioner Franzese questioned the traffic flow. She noted there was only one egress and <br /> 33 ingress. She questioned if it would be difficult to turn east when exiting the parking area. <br />
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