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CC PACKET 06281983
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CC PACKET 06281983
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12/30/2015 3:51:12 PM
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12/30/2015 3:51:03 PM
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CC PACKET 06281983
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2 i. <br /> sanctuary seating capacity to 300, would provide 10 new classrooms , <br /> a kitchen and an assembly (Fellowship)-room with a split level <br /> structure to be constructed immediately behind the sanctuary. The <br /> church trustee told of the rapid growth of the Elmwood congregation <br /> under the leadership of Pastor Valtinson and •the desperate need for <br /> additional Sunday School classrooms which would be met temporarily <br /> by renting six rooms in the Wilshire building this winter while the <br /> expansion is being constructed. - Mr. Jones assured the Commissioners <br /> that it would not be necessary to remove any of ,the evergreens or <br /> bushes- which- provide a buffer for the adjoining properties from the-. <br /> existing -parking lot when that lot is enlarged five feet to provide. <br /> parking for 148 cars. The Manager confirmed that the City Ordinance <br /> only requires 120 parking spaces for an expansion of the size proposed.. <br /> He -also reported the applicant. had notified him that he had. misunder <br /> stood -the meaning of Condition #2 in the application and had mistakenly <br /> answered that question in the negative. Mr. Jones also. confirmed that <br /> the architect who had drawn the site plans had inadvertantly omitted <br /> the existing. garage from the drawings. <br /> When Commissioner 'Bowerman inquired why an addition would not' be built <br /> across the back of the existing structure, making a square building <br /> which would not so adversely affect the properties immediately to <br /> the south, whose lot lines would 'be only 15 feet from the .structure, <br /> the church trustee indicated the building committee had considered <br /> other alternatives, -but had concluded the expansion of the roof line <br /> to . the east would be more logical since the sanctuary had been built • <br /> with a stud wall and. not concrete, so such an expansion could be <br /> made, and so as not foreclose the possibility of adding another <br /> sanctuary on the west when the congregation could afford. that improve- <br /> ment. <br /> There was .a discussion of the drop in grade elevations between the - <br /> church property and -the adjoining lots. to the east and the possi- <br /> bility -of adverse effect of water runoff from the new structure on <br /> those properties . 'The retention of the opaque windows in the <br /> Fellowship Hall to provide privacy for the neighbors , provision of <br /> accessibility for the handicapped, and buffering to prevent headlights <br /> from shining -on the neighbors ' homes when night services are held <br /> were also explored. <br /> Erling: M. Weiberg, 3409 36th Avenue N.E. said his property would .not <br /> be adversely affected by the expansion, but he was present to <br /> support the concerns of his neighbors about the expansion. <br /> Donald -Esau who own's the property at 3.505 36th Avenue N.E. just <br /> . south :of:-.the church reiterated the points made in the letter to the <br /> Planning .Commission which he gave the secretary for inclusion in the <br /> minutes. which stated- Mr.- Esau's, belief.. that the proposed .addition <br /> would. ".substantially reduce my quality of life and also reduce the . <br /> value '-of .my property" and indicated the resident intends to take <br /> legal. action if those judgments'- are confirmed. <br /> Mr., Esau . 'invited the Commission members- to sit on the deck. he had • <br /> built on- his home to improve his . view to.- see - how that view. and air <br /> quality would be blocked by. .the churcti..addition. He was . also <br /> concerned .that the runoff:.from that building .would ruin . the..planted <br />
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