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CC PACKET 06281983
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CC PACKET 06281983
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12/30/2015 3:51:12 PM
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12/30/2015 3:51:03 PM
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CC PACKET 06281983
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3 - <br /> • areas to the back of his property. The resident told of the many <br /> ways in which he had supported the church which at first was "very <br /> poor" and of his disappointment that church officials hadn'.t dis- <br /> cussed their expansion- plans- with him. He indicated the neighbors <br /> had always understood any expansion of the church property would <br /> be to the north where the 150 foot wall would only face the school. <br /> Mr. Esau also contended the addition would not be of benefit to <br /> the City if adjoining property values and taxes were -decreased. <br /> Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Antczak whose backyard at 3501 36th Avenue <br /> N.E. is about 75 % blocked off by the existing structure said, <br /> with the expansion their property would be completely cut off and <br /> the problems they now experience with runoff would be intensified. <br /> They joined Mr. Esau in saying they supported an expansion of the <br /> church in any other direction than proposed and were disappointed <br /> that they had not been consulted-about the proposed addition. <br /> Mr. Dick Jones indicated he appreciated the neighbors ' comments <br /> and apologized for not taking the initiative for talking to them, <br /> which he had believed another church official had- done. He said <br /> the church needs the added space primarily for classrooms and <br /> the original plans which had -been referred to that evening calling <br /> for an expansion to the north had been drawn by a high school <br /> student and if followed would prevent the addition of a -new <br /> sanctuary later when the church could afford it. The trustee said <br /> • he would talk to the architect to see what could be done to prevent <br /> the runoff onto the adjacent- proper-ties and would be open to <br /> suggestions from the neighbors about the plans. <br /> Commissioner Bowerman recalled the questions raised about the <br /> obstruction -of sunlight -by-- the -elderly housing structure on Kenzie <br /> Terrace and wondered what effect 34 feet of obstruction would have <br /> across the back of the adjacent properties , even though the church <br /> is north of the adjacent properties. <br /> Since the church official had indicated the final plans would not <br /> be submitted for approval before the annual meeting in January, <br /> Commissioner Jones asked him .-if he would be amenable to tabling the <br /> Commission decision for a month in which time- the proposal could <br /> be present to the neighbors- at a meeting between the groups . Mr. <br /> Dick Jones indicated he would welcome an opportunity to invite the <br /> neighbors to meet with the building committee and the pastor to try <br /> to work out their differences . Mr. Esau then indicated he also <br /> was happy to hear. the Commission member' s suggestion since he per- <br /> ceives the church has done a wonderful job of bringing its message <br /> to- the community and he had. not understood why the decision had been <br /> made to obstruct our property. <br /> At 8: 30 p.m. the Chair. closed the public hearing for consideration <br /> by the Commission. Commissioner Bjorklund indicated he would <br /> oppose tabling the matter if no major change in the proposal were <br /> to be made. He recalled. previous instances where neighbor opposition <br /> had atrophied with time. He-. believed certain areas of concern about <br /> the proposal- had not been -addressed including what he perceives is <br /> a departure from traditional-* practice in the City of having at least <br /> .150 feet of backyard between :dwellings . Mr. Esau reported his home <br />
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