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6 - <br /> 765 square feet to 2 , 700 square feet of the Good Luck Cafe at 2700 i <br /> Coolidge Street N.E. <br /> Chair- Makowske read the notice of the hearing which had gone out . <br /> to all property owners within 350 feet of the subject property and <br /> had been published in the Bulletin July 7. <br /> No-one present reported failure to receive the notice or objected <br /> to its content. <br /> Mr. Childs explained that because the existing restaurant is <br /> currently a non-conforming use because it is sited on two lots , <br /> one commercially and the other R-1 (single family dwelling) zoned, <br /> it -would be -necessary for the City to 1) rezone the single family <br /> lot to commercial to permit the expansion; 2) grant a conditional <br /> use .permit : to allow the expansion in a location which is - less than <br /> 250 feet from a residentially zoned district; and 3) to grant a <br /> variance which would permit 22 parking spaces where 85 are required <br /> by Ordinance. He noted the original application had been in error <br /> because the 34 parking spaces proposed had included part of the <br /> City right-of-way. The Manager reiterated his recommendation in <br /> his July . 12 cover Memorandum in the agenda packet that he perceives <br /> only a minor expansion might .be. acceptable on that- particular .lot - <br /> and thatonly if the applicant is able to provide adequate parking. <br /> and buffering of his property from the adjoining residential <br /> neighborhood. It is staff' s recommendation that if - the -applicant • <br /> is not willing to adjust his plans in this manner, the Commission <br /> should recommend Council denial of the request. <br /> There was a general concurrence that the drawings which- had been <br /> submitted with the application were inadequate and Commissioner <br /> Bjorklund..attempted to draw with chalk a rough sketch of what he <br /> perceived the proposal would be. Commissioner Bowerman protested <br /> this effort saying he believed the Commission could not make an <br /> educated decision on the proposal unless they had acceptable site <br /> plans including parking and landscaping drawn to scale. However, <br /> since -there- were about a dozen persons present to discuss the <br /> proposal, the Commissioner conceded the hearing should proceed so <br /> they could provide input to the consideration. <br /> The points of opposition to the proposal expressed in the July 13 <br /> letter from.-Dr. Preston and Sharon Williams were echoed by residents <br /> who live near the restaurant, including Jerry Kelly, John J. Jadinak; <br /> 2805 27th-' Avenue N.E. , who lives across the .alley; Donald Drusch <br /> and Bernadette Loahr who live at 3804 and -2800 Pahl Avenue N.E. , <br /> who agreed. the expansion would have an adverse effect on their <br /> neighborhood.. <br /> Commissioner Jones summarized their opposi.tion .by telling the <br /> applicants Kin Lun Kwong, 5001 Clearview, Avenue 'N.E: in Fridley <br /> and his interpreter, Simon. Kwong, :that he perceived that. Mr. Kwon' s. • <br /> neighbors •-believe.,-that in the two or three years he- has been in <br /> business his- method- of :handling--garbage and weeds have resulted in <br /> difficulties- for them as well as the general appearance of his <br /> property since he took over the . cafe - after- the Three Circles rest- <br /> aurant.- closed. He said the -neighbors- agree with Dr. Williams that <br />