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• - 5 - <br /> be served incidentally, Mr. Slick said, since he is not interested <br /> in providing meal service. He said he would have no objections to <br /> having his permit reviewed in a years time because his operation <br /> would- be owner controlled and he intends to see to it that the <br /> establishment doesn't become a nuisance for the neighbors who live <br /> so close to the shopping center. He - told Jerry Kelly, 2809 Pahl <br /> Avenue, who is a merchant in the adjoining center that he wouldn' t <br /> tolerate the disturbances in his parking lot. <br /> The hearing was closed at 9:03 p.m. <br /> Commissioner Bowerman indicated he was concerned that telling Mr. <br /> Slick-his operation would be revi-ewed' in one year might restrict <br /> Mr. Slick in his investments and from conducting his business in <br /> an orderly fashion— .Commissioner Franzese -agreed a review did not <br /> seem necessary since the ordinance already provided a means of <br /> handling noise and nuisance transgressions. Commissioner Jones <br /> indicated he believed the review stipulation would provide control <br /> the City needs to prevent the neighbors being disturbed by music <br /> coming out an opened back door. <br /> Motion by Commissioner Bjorklund and seconded by Commissioner Jones <br /> to recommend the Council grant a . conditional use permit to Robert <br /> Slick for the operation of a non-alcoholic bar "The Alternative" , <br /> as proposed, at 2523 Harding Street N.E . , finding that this would <br /> • appear to be an acceptable use in a commercial district; adequate <br /> parking a:fid_acc`ess would be provided in' that location, and that <br /> there would be sufficient distance between the- facility and the <br /> adjoining residential neighborhood, but setting the following <br /> conditions for approval; <br /> 1. No more than two pool tables , which are not coin operated, <br /> would be allowed. <br /> 2. Only modest amounts. of "snack type food would be served. <br /> 3. T-he establishment would be open to the public and not become <br /> a private club.. <br /> 4. Noise levels would not be a nuisance. <br /> The following friendly ammendment by Commisioner Bowerman was <br /> accepted: <br /> The- Commission further stipulates that the conditional use permit <br /> .should be reviewed by - the City in one year and in the event the <br /> Council elects to not continue the permit, the burden of responsi- <br /> bility. should be on the Council to produce sufficient reason for <br /> not continuing the permit and .not on the proprietor for justifying <br /> the continuance <br /> • Motion carried unanimously. <br /> The meeting was recessed from -9 :25 p.m. until 9 : 30 p.m. when the <br /> public hearing to consider the 'request for the necessary. rezoning, <br /> conditional use permit and variances to•. allow the. expansion from <br />