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CC PACKET 12181984
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CC PACKET 12181984
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12/30/2015 4:01:33 PM
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CC PACKET 12181984
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I > <br /> -7- <br /> membership in St. Anthony, .. The Mayor agreed with the Councilman that„there would <br /> probably not be enough interested people to support another business club in the <br /> City .now, that the Chamber .of Commerce had been reorganized so successfully in' <br /> St: Anthony. <br /> In his November memorandum, 'Mr Childs had extensively reported :on the contro- <br /> versy which had developed around the request from the Fosston Townhouse Board: of <br /> Directors for the restriction of all" parking on the east side of Foss Road <br /> immediately adjacent to the townhouses. The Manager had also included in the agenda <br /> packet copies of correspondence between himself and the residents of the townhomes; . <br /> including those whose homes abut the roadway who oppose the "No Parking" signs; <br /> Caravelle apartment owners and residents who support the signs, and the St. Anthony <br /> Health -Center, whose staff and visitors normally avail themselves of the one hour <br /> parking permitted along the west side of Foss Road. A copy of Chief Hickerson's <br /> November 14th recommendation to Mr. Childs that parking only be restricted within <br /> the 30 feet of roadway north of the '37th Avenue N.E. intersection where the fire <br /> hydrant is located and not on the additional 94-1/2 feet of roadway beyond the <br /> Fosston driveways, since cars parked on that area would not interfere with vehicles <br /> turning onto 37th Avenue, had been attached to the Manager's recommendation to the <br /> Council . Mr. Childs ' October 29th letter to all interested parties inviting them <br /> to attend the Council meeting had also informed them that the requested signs had <br /> been removed until the Council had an opportunity to sort out the strong divergences <br /> of opinion about the signs between the Fosston Townhouse Association and the six <br /> townhome owners most affected by the erection of the signs. <br /> There were about a dozen people present to represent those who favor or opposed the <br /> signs. Mrs. R. E. Dobrzynski , President of the Fosston Association, Inc. and two <br /> residents of the townhomes who support the retention of the signs, which they per- <br /> ceive to be essential to driver and walker safety along that street, and Mr. and <br /> Mrs. John Madden and Eugene McDonough who spoke for the homeowners along that <br /> particular stretch of roadway who reject the signs ' necessity and perceive their <br /> erection as "unjustified, as they would deny us the guest parking the adjacent <br /> Caravelle Apartments complex enjoys, " were present to discuss their differences. <br /> A neutral viewpoint was provided by Mr. Mike Miller, the nursing home representative <br /> who had remained for the purpose of finding out just what the City intended to do <br /> on Foss Road. The City had received a petition for the signs which had been signed <br /> by 40 Caravelle Apartment residents, as well as a letter from the Caravelle owner, <br /> supporting the restricting of parking in front of the townhomes. <br /> Mrs. Dobrzynski indicated her unhappiness that the signs had been taken down after <br /> the City had heard from a minority of the townhome owners, especially John Madden, <br /> who she perceived as having an undue influence on the Council , opposing the signs. <br /> Mrs. Dobrzynski indicated she believed the Council should take into account the <br /> fact that there would be only 25 feet of roadway between curbs on Foss Road once <br /> it snows, and there would be less than 17 feet for vehicles to pass between cars <br /> parked on both sides of the street. She indicated many of the residents along the <br /> street are elderly and find passing in that limited space to be very difficult. <br /> She and Mrs. Koch emphasized the difficulty experienced by bus riders trying to <br /> avoid being hit .walking home from the bus line. The Association President said the <br /> residents who were opposing the signs already had more parking spaces available <br /> to them than the rest of the townhome residents and she questioned why they couldn't <br /> park across the street in the one hour parking. Mrs. Dobrzynski believed those <br /> residents' reaction to be a selfish one. <br /> John Madden responded by saying he could see the need for restricting parking near <br /> the intersection and fire hydrant but not that which would prohibit parking in an <br /> area he measured to be at least 124 feet away from the intersection. Mr. Madden <br /> indicated he perceived Foss Road to be the same diwth as other residential streets <br />
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