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CC PACKET 12181984
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CC PACKET 12181984
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CC PACKET 12181984
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1 <br /> -6- <br /> Mayor: Sundland and Councilman Ranallo touched, on the highlights of .the National <br /> League of Cities conference they had attended- i-n Indianapolis the previous week, <br /> specifically addressing the .group's lobbying efforts towards water contamination <br /> legislation and -a -proposed bill -which would make a national apology-to the native <br /> born Japanese- who were- confined in internment camps during the:war with Japan. <br /> The Mayor indicated he would be circulating two packets of information on the <br /> conference among the: other Council members. <br /> When he reminded the Council that Mr. Childs' contract would be coming up the first <br /> of the -year, Councilman Marks suggested the same method as used last year should <br /> be employed this year and that Councilman Enrooth repeat his service as one of the <br /> two Council members who would discuss the matter with' Mr. Childs, with Councilman <br /> Makowske to replace Councilman Marks in those discussions. .The meetings would be. <br /> scheduled with the Manager, at his convenience. <br /> She would be unable to attend the holiday banquet sponsored by the Ramsey County <br /> League of Local Governments, December 19th, Councilman Makowske indicated, and she <br /> asked whether any one else would like to take her place. <br /> Councilman Enrooth said he too would be unable to attend the meeting of the Rice <br /> Creek Watershed District because it was being held at the same time as the Council <br /> meeting that evening, but he indicated he would make a report on the minutes of <br /> that meeting as soon as he can. <br /> The Mayor reported the : Sister Cities meeting had been held November 14th with a <br /> fairly good attendance and that representatives of community organizations who had <br /> been unable to come had called later to reaffirm their commitment to the program. <br /> He said he perceived the general feeling of those who were in attendance was the <br /> first contact city should be from a European, rather than Third World or South <br /> American country. Ms. Polivka had indicated she had a long list of such cities <br /> in which the City organizations might be interested and, Mayor Sundland said, <br /> another meeting would be called to get the particulars about some of those cities <br /> from. which the City's selection could be made. <br /> Councilman Ranallo indicated he perceived this might be an interesting story for <br /> the Bulletin and Northeaster readers. He then drew to the attention of Larry Jones, <br /> the Bulletin reporter, the fact that his paper had again mistakenly inferred that <br /> the cheese shop which operates in the same building as the SAV liquor warehouse, is <br /> City owned. <br /> Councilman Marks, who conducts the government training sessions for newly elected <br /> city officials, reported a heightened interest in those seminars to the extent <br /> additional sessions had to be scheduled to be held on the University farm campus. <br /> He also reported the attendance at the Brainerd session the next day, was anticipated <br /> to be between 30 and 40 persons. The Councilman also reported he had been appointed <br /> to a special study group which would specifically research the planning and zoning <br /> which had gone into a Shorewood development project. The focus of one of the future <br /> sessions would be to bring entrepreneurship into local. government, Councilman <br /> Marks said. <br /> In his report on recent activities of the Youth Service Bureau, the Councilman <br /> indicated a search committee has been established to find a replacement for Chris <br /> Clausen who has resigned as Director to become a lobbyist for youth service agencies. • <br /> Councilman Marks indicated he had received an invitation to attend the charter <br /> meeting of a Rotary Club in New Brighton and understood the group is- looking for <br />
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