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• ". C=TY OF ST . ANTHONY <br /> BOARID OF REV= EW MINUTES <br /> A1>R2L. 28\, 1987 <br /> Continuation of the annual . Board of --Review by the_ City Council <br /> was called to order at 7 : 30 P.M. by -Mayor. Sundland. <br /> Present: Sundland, Marks, Enrooth, Makowske. <br /> Absent: Ranallo._-- <br /> Also present: David .-Childs, City,Manager-. <br /> Tom Holmes, .Hennepin County Assessors Office <br /> William Soth,. City Attorney• <br /> APRIL 14; - 1987 BOARD OF REVIEW MINUTES <br /> Motion by Marks, seconded by Enrooth to approve the above after <br /> insertion of "Sundland" in the listing of those present on page <br /> 1. <br /> Motion. carried unanimously. <br /> LOWER ASSESSED VALUATIONS ACCEPTED- FOR 10 NORTHGATE OFFICE <br /> • CONDOMINIUMS _ _ - <br /> Mr. Holmes distributed_ a listing of the units in the office park <br /> which indicated the--.valuations. on 10 of the 18 units had' been <br /> revised by 5% for 1987 . He apologized .for the County' s posting <br /> error which had resulted in Tim Tromiczak' s and seven other <br /> condominium owners' - properties being valued at $81, 300, where <br /> their valuations for 1987 should only have been for $77,500. The <br /> Assessor asked the Council sitting as the Board of Review to make <br /> the value adjustments for all 10 units as indicated on the <br /> listing.. <br /> In reference to unit #16 owned by Mr. Tromiczak for which the <br /> Council had ordered a reevaluation at the April 14th meeting, Mr. <br /> Holmes said the County had to take the condo owner' s word that <br /> the original owner, Mr. Volkman, had sold that unit to him .in <br /> November, 1985, for $75,900. He said the County had no record <br /> of either a sales disclosure or certificate-, of real estate for <br /> that sale with the only record on the property being Mr. <br /> Volkman' s purchase -of the property in August, 1984, for $85,000. <br /> In any event, he said it would take more than one sale and a <br /> pattern of several sales of this or comparable properties in the <br /> $60,000 range to convince the assessors to reduce the Northgate <br /> condominiums' valuations to the levels Mr. Tromiczak has said <br /> realtors have indicated the properties would sell for. And, Mr. <br /> Holmes pointed to the listing as an indication that all sales <br /> activities in the office park to date had been upward rather than <br /> on a downtrend. <br />