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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> May 23, 1995 <br /> . Page 5 <br /> 1 Enrooth indicated the last count done on Skycroft Drive generated 600 trips. He <br /> 2 indicated if there was a problem with people using Fordham Drive to cut through to <br /> 3 Apache Plaza, that was a separate issue to be addressed at another time. <br /> 4 Commissioner Horst reported this was discussed at the Planning Commission meeting <br /> 5 and they thought perhaps a stop sign could be installed at the new entrance and Fordham <br /> 6 Drive to slow traffic down in the area. <br /> 7 Ranallo indicated the policy for stop signs was left up to the neighborhood. If a <br /> 8 neighborhood is experiencing traffic problems, they come to the City and petition. A <br /> 9 traffic count is then performed for five to six days. The City confers with the <br /> 10 Metropolitan Council and the State of Minnesota and if traffic warrants, a stop sign is <br /> 11 installed. <br /> 12 Marks reported a phone call he had received from a resident who was concerned that <br /> 13 traffic going north on Silver Lake Road,turns by the bank and also cuts through the <br /> 14 parking lot, to avoid the stoplight when going onto Fordham Drive. - <br /> 15 Mr. Birger Kylander, 4013 Fordham Drive, indicated he has been a resident of St. <br /> Anthony since 1966. He stated he felt Bruce Nedegaard had the opportunity to purchase <br /> this property at the same time as the Evergreen development. If this area would have <br /> 18 been developed then, a road could have been brought in through Evergreen. <br /> 19 Enrooth indicated this issue is being raised because the Schroeders needed a variance to <br /> 20 build on their lot. The City is not inclined to consider a variance, so a different angle was <br /> 21 attempted to best suit the needs of the entire area. The Schroeder's request is what started <br /> 22 this chain of events. He stated Mr.Nedegaard became involved indirectly. <br /> 23 Mr. Kylander asked why the other residents had not been informed of this. <br /> 24 Fleming indicated there were 300 people in attendance at the meeting in October of last <br /> 25 year when the Schroeders first approached the Planning Commission and it was <br /> 26 suggested other approaches be investigated. Since then,this issue has been discussed at <br /> 27 almost every Council meeting and has been in the paper numerous times. <br /> 28 Mr. Dageford asked if the members of the Council had driven around and looked at the <br /> 29 neighborhood. He asked if any of the members would like to be in his spot surrounded <br /> 30 by that many multiple dwellings. He stated the quality of life means something to the <br /> 31 people who live in this neighborhood. <br /> Enrooth stated if the property were zoned R-1, there would be more traffic as there would <br /> be families dwelling there with children and probably multiple cars. The R-2 zoning will <br /> 34 most likely attract semi-retired or retired persons with possibly only one vehicle. <br />