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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> May 23, 1995 <br /> Page 4 • <br /> 1 which would enter onto Fordham Drive. He stated Fordham Drive is already used as a <br /> 2 shortcut from Silver Lake Road to New Brighton. He indicated the need for access <br /> 3 should have been addressed when the plan for Evergreen Townhomes was in process. He <br /> 4 suggested the private drive enter into the Evergreen property. <br /> 5 Ranallo indicated it would not be possible for the drive to enter into Evergreen as that <br /> 6 was private property. <br /> 7 Linda Jessen, Evergreen Homeowners Association, indicated entering into Evergreen was <br /> 8 not an option. <br /> 9 Ranallo explained the City had contacted Mr. Paddock at the Metropolitan Council to <br /> 10 obtain statistics of what amount of traffic would be generated by six to eight private <br /> 11 single family homes without variances. The Metropolitan Council Traffic Division <br /> 12 (MCTD) indicated this would generate 10 trips per resident, per hour,per day. The <br /> 13 MCTD also'infoi-rued that a neighborhood with six two family residential dwelling would <br /> 14 generate five trips per resident, per hour,per day. In essence, the twin homes would <br /> 15 generate less traffic than the single family homes. The City then put a counter at the.two <br /> 16 entrances of Evergreen Townhomes and recorded the same results as stated by the <br /> 17 MCTD. He stated in regards to traffic, the City feel the twin homes are more • <br /> 18 advantageous than the single family homes. <br /> 19 In response to an unidentified resident, Ranallo indicated the traffic count for a 24 hour <br /> 20 period on Fordham Drive generated 342 trips. <br /> 21 Commissioner Horst reported that at the Planning Commission meeting,the residents <br /> 22 indicated they felt the increase in traffic will lead to a decrease in their property values <br /> 23 and the values of the homes on Fordham Drive. <br /> 24 Mr. Ted Dageford, 4016 Fordham Drive, indicated he has.lived in St. Anthony for forty <br /> 25 years. He built his home on Fordham and raised his children there. He reported people <br /> 26 drive very fast on Fordham and use the street as a throughway between Apache Plaza and <br /> 27 New Brighton. He indicated the neighborhood is already surrounded by multiple <br /> 28 dwellings. He stated when he bought his property the surrounded property was zoned R- <br /> 29 1. He bought the property under those terms and conditions and he wants it to stay that <br /> 30 way. <br /> 31 Marks asked if there had been traffic counts performed in other areas in the City. <br /> 32 Ranallo reported a count was done on Wilson Street from St. Anthony Boulevard to 33rd <br /> 33 and the result was the same as Fordham Drive. • <br />