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CITY OF ST. ANTHONY <br /> RESOLUTION 96-029 " <br /> • RESOLUTION APPROVING EXECUTION AND <br /> DELIVERY OF REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND <br /> OTHER AGREEMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH <br /> REDEVELOPMENT OF APACHE PLAZA SHOPPING <br /> CENTER <br /> BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of St. Anthony, <br /> Minnesota (the "City") as follows: <br /> .Section 1. Recitals. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of St. <br /> Anthony, Minnesota (the "HRA") is engaged in carrying out a redevelopment <br /> project as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.002, Subdivision 12, known as <br /> Redevelopment Project No. 3 (the "Redevelopment Project") in the area in the City <br /> encompassing the Apache Plaza Shopping Center located at 37th Avenue North and <br /> Silver Lake Road (the "Project Area"). The HRA has approved a Redevelopment <br /> Plan for the Redevelopment Project, dated August 25, 1992 as amended by an <br /> amendment to the Redevelopment Plan, dated March 23, 1993 (as amended, the <br /> "Redevelopment Plan") and has established the Project Area as a tax increment <br /> financing district (the "TIF District"). In carrying out the Redevelopment Project <br /> and in order to achieve the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan and provide for <br /> the redevelopment of Apache Plaza Shopping Center, it has been proposed that the <br /> • HRA and the City utilize tax increment financing, as described in Minnesota <br /> Statutes, Sections 469.174 through 469.179, to pay a portion of the cost of acquisition <br /> by SUPERVALU INC., a Delaware corporation ("Redeveloper") of land in the <br /> Project Area (the "Facility Site") on which the Redeveloper will construct a CUB <br /> Foods store (the "Facility"). <br /> Section 2. Agreements. There has been prepared and presented to this <br /> Council a draft of a Redevelopment Agreement (the "Redevelopment Agreement") <br /> by and between the HRA, the City and the Redeveloper, and an Agreement (the <br /> "Assistance Agreement"), by and among the HRA, the City and Ste. Marie Company <br /> ("Ste. Marie"). Ste. Marie is the present owner of Apache Plaza Shopping Center <br /> and is selling the Facility Site to the Redeveloper. Pursuant to the Assistance <br /> Agreement, the City will pay Ste. Marie a portion of the purchase price with respect <br /> to the Facility Site from (i) proceeds of general obligation taxable tax increment <br /> bonds (the "Tax Increment Bonds") to be issued by the City and (ii) other funds <br /> provided to the City by the HRA. Pursuant to the Redevelopment Agreement the <br /> Redeveloper agrees to construct the Facility. <br /> Section 3. Findings. This Council believes that the redevelopment of a <br /> portion of the Project Area by the construction of the Facility is in the best interests <br /> of the City and of benefit to the residents of the City and will help achieve the <br /> objectives of the HRA with respect to the Project Area as set forth in the <br /> • Redevelopment Plan. <br />