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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> August 12, 1997 <br /> Page 4 • <br /> 1 had called Marty's office today and was informed that a special session will be held on <br /> 2 August 19, 1997. <br /> 3 Mayor Ranallo reported that tomorrow he and City Manager Morrison will be meeting with <br /> 4 Hennepin County Commissioner Stenglein and Ramsey County Commissioner Weisner to <br /> 5 discuss funding possibilities. Ranallo also reported he had received a letter from Bruce Vento <br /> 6 which mentioned the use of CDBG Funds. Ranallo stated he was concerned that the CDBG <br /> 7 Funds would require too many restrictions to be useful. <br /> 8 Mayor Ranallo reported that VillageFest was a great success. The committee is in need of a <br /> 9 new chairperson for next year. Mr. Jacobs and Mr. Bartz have led the committee for the past <br /> 10 three years and have done an outstanding job but the job is quite tasking. Ranallo reported <br /> 11 that Friday, August 15, 1997, there will be a party for all the volunteers involved with <br /> 12 VillageFest. Councilmembers are also invited. <br /> 13 1. Mary Bower Comments. <br /> 14 Ms. Bower thanked City Manager Morrison for the efforts he made in resolving the problem <br /> 15 of the Wisconsin Central train stopping on the tracks across from Mirror Lake Manor and <br /> 16 leaving the engine run for hours. - She noted the problem did stop for awhile but started again <br /> 17 last Sunday. <br /> 18 D. City Manager. • <br /> 19 City Manager Mornson reported the Building Inspector process is more costly. There <br /> 20 normally are two fees charged by the Building Inspector and the current Inspector, Duane <br /> 21 Grace has only been charging one fee. The funds to pay this are structured into the fees <br /> 22 received from building permits. <br /> 23 Morrison reported the Public Works Director's last day is November 21, 1997. The ad for the <br /> 24 position will be in the Star Tribune and League of Minnesota Cities bulletin. The closing <br /> 25 date is September 9, 1997. <br /> 26 Morrison reported that due to recent legislation the levy can be increased from the projected <br /> 27 $36,000, a 2.4% increase, to $59,000, a 3.6% increase. Morrison suggested the City increase <br /> 28 the levy to the $59,000 figure as they can reduce it at a later date but cannot increase the <br /> 29 figure. He also reported the Truth in Taxation statements have been changed. They will now <br /> 30 include the 1997-98 budget, 1997 and 1998 taxes and percent of increase. <br /> 31 There was Council consensus to discuss the levy increase at the September work session. <br /> 32 Morrison reported he is still working with the contractor to have the City Hall project <br /> 33 completed. . He noted the second portion of that contract is the site preparation for the tennis <br /> 34 court area. Due to the leakage of an underground storage tank on that site, the excavation <br /> 35 costs have increased. The HRA will consider a change order tonight for an increase in cost • <br /> 36 for excavation in the amount of$3,850.00. The cost may increase even more. Morrison <br />