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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 25, 1997 <br /> • Page 5 <br /> 1 Marks suggested that a berm could be installed on the southern edge of the property. <br /> 2 Mr. De Zelar stated this may cause flooding in the parking lot. <br /> 3 Wagner asked if the proposed drainage would help the water problem on St. Anthony <br /> 4 Boulevard. <br /> 5 Mr. De Zelar stated that the proposed drainage would have no effect on St. Anthony <br /> 6 Boulevard. <br /> 7 Faust asked if neighborhood meetings had been conducted in regard to this proposal. <br /> 8 Mr. De Zelar stated the only public meeting was the public hearing held by the Planning <br /> 9 Commission. <br /> 10 Wagner stated he was concerned that the Storm Drainage Task Force had not had any input in <br /> 11 this proposal. <br /> 12 Ms. Moore-Sykes noted that Ted McCrossan is a member of the Storm Drainage Task Force <br /> 13 and has been working with Mr. De Zelar. She had also received calls from residents and <br />. 0 when she had explained the project, there were no questions or concerns. <br /> 15 Faust expressed his concern that this proposal was increasing the impervious surface in a <br /> 16 problem area and the Council had received no input from the Storm Drainage Task Force. <br /> 17 Mr. De Zelar explained that the addition is 12,000 square feet, but that it will only add 5,000 <br /> 18 square feet of impervious surface as it will include the removal of blacktop and concrete <br /> 19 paving. <br /> 20 Wagner noted the requirement of a parking plan and asked how this would be enforced. <br /> 21 Mr. De Zelar stated he was not certain what this requirement included. He had asked the <br /> 22• Planning Commission and they had suggested that he talk with the Public Works Director and <br /> 23 see what could be worked out. It may be as simple as asking parishioners not to park on the <br /> 24 street by means of the church bulletin. <br /> 25 Mayor Ranallo noted the only time that there is a parking problem is in the winter. Last <br /> 26 winter a notice was published in the Bulletin asking that there be no parking on the south side <br /> 27 of St. Anthony Boulevard and the request was adhered to quite well. <br /> 28 John Kuharski, 2709 Pahl Avenue, Storm Drainage Task Force member, stated that it had <br /> 9 been agreed by the Task Force not to allow any additional hard surface if it would increase <br /> the water flow into St. Anthony and this project does not increase the water flow. As this <br /> 1 project does not increase the flow, he is in favor of the proposal, both as a Task Force <br /> 32 member and as a resident. <br />