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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 25, 1997 <br /> Page 6 • <br /> 1 Marks noted that this project would increase the flow by .05 cubic feet or 8%. This would be <br /> 2 an increase of one inch and Marks expressed concern that this may affect residents in St. <br /> 3 Anthony. He questioned if the Council could assume that all residents would be comfortable <br /> .4 with that amount of increase. <br /> 5 Wagner asked Mr. De Zelar if he intended to investigate increasing the size of one of the dry <br /> 6 wells on the project or if this would only be done if the City of Minneapolis required it. <br /> 7 Mr. De Zelar stating that currently the City of Minneapolis is not requiring an increase in the <br /> 8 size of the dry wells. The project will divert the water to the grass rather than the blacktop <br /> 9 and this will slow the flow of the water. <br /> 10 Marks stated that under the circumstances, he believed that the slowing of the water flow, <br /> 11 etc., would keep the flooding situation no worse than it is today, based on the information <br /> 12 given and the assurances that the dry well will be investigated and increased to satisfy the <br /> 13 requirements of the City of Minneapolis. <br /> 14 Motion by Marks, second by Wagner to approve the conditional use permit request for St. <br /> 15 Charles Borromeo Catholic Church based on the findings and the conditions of the Planning <br /> 16 Commission. <br /> 17 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 18 B. Councilmembers. <br /> 19 Marks reported his attendance at the Finish American Society meeting at the International <br /> 20 Center last Friday. He explained that Finnish Independence Day is December 6 and that <br /> 21 Finland declared their independence 80 years ago. Because St. Anthony has a strong and <br /> 22 growing relationship with Finland, Marks suggested that it may be an appropriate time to <br /> 23 congratulate them on their independence. Marks read the proposed proclamation which would <br /> 24 be signed by all Councilmembers, the Mayor and Department Heads. <br /> 25 Motion by Wagner, second by Faust to adopt the Proclamation congratulating Finland on their <br /> 26 80th anniversary of independence. <br /> 27 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 28 Marks asked that a hard copy be sent to Finland, that a,copy be faxed to Finland, and that a <br /> 29 copy be sent to the Finnish Embassy in Washington, D.C. <br /> 30 Marks reported his attendance at a Sister City Committee meeting last Sunday evening. <br /> 31 Discussion included the upcoming Teacher Exchange Program which is expected to take place <br /> 32 next Fall. Funds will begin to be raised by the Sister City Committee, the School District and <br /> 33 the Teachers Union. The Committee also discussed the upcoming'expected visit of the other • <br /> 34 Salo Band in April of 1998. The visit is anticipated to include 30-35 people, including some <br />