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I CITY OF ST. ANTHONY 10 <br /> 2 CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION <br /> .3 May 8, 2001 <br /> ® 4 Council Chambers <br /> 5 I. CALL TO ORDER. <br /> 6 Mayor Cavanaugh called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. <br /> 7 II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. <br /> 8 Mayor Cavanaugh invited the Council and audience to join in the Pledge of Allegiance. <br /> 9 III. ROLL CALL. <br /> 10 Councilmembers present: Mayor Cavanaugh; Councilmembers Sparks,Thuesen, Horst and <br /> 11 Hodson. <br /> 12 Councilmembers absent: None. <br /> 13 Also present: City Manager Michael Mornson; City Attorney Jerry Gilligan. <br /> 14 IV. COMMUNITY FORUM. <br /> 15 Tom Hauben, 2705 Paul Avenue, stated he was there to discuss the City of St. Anthony's sewer <br /> 16 service, or lack thereof. He stated that two years ago his street had the alleys and sewers <br /> 17 replaced, yet the storms on April 22nd and April 23"d caused sewer backups in his neighborhood. <br /> 18 He wanted to know what actually caused the backups in his neighborhood. He indicated that <br /> 19 City workers were out early on those mornings, and if it was a sump-pump problem, he felt the <br /> 20 City policies that are in effect are unacceptable. <br /> .21 Mr. Hauben stated he did not understand why other cities were eliminate sewer troubles, <br /> 22 and said it was his opinion that a freeze be put on all other building projects until.this one is <br /> 23 fixed. Mr. Hauben indicated that his insurance company would probably cancel him because he <br /> 24 has had two claims within the last three years, and said he would be filing a claim with the City <br /> 25 of St. Anthony tomorrow. Mr. Hauben concluded by saying that he and his neighbors were <br /> 26 extremely unhappy about the situation and they felt they deserved the same services that <br /> 27 everybody else has in the city. <br /> 28 Todd Hubmer responded that they are aware of these problems, and have entered into an <br /> 29 agreement with the Metropolitan Council to address this issue. He stated they are currently <br /> 30 looking at the area South of Paul Avenue to the city of Minneapolis to see if they have any <br /> 31 deficiencies, or repair work that needs to be done. Mr. Hubmer indicated that within the next six <br /> 32 weeks, they should have some indication of what type of work needs to be done to alleviate the <br /> 33 problem. <br /> 34 Mayor Cavanaugh asked if they were going to put cameras along the lights of the area that they <br /> 35 will be studying. Mr. Hubmer responded that they would be putting lights there, and that it was a <br /> 36 difficult task because it is the trunk line into the City. <br /> 37 Councilmember Thuesen asked if there were other problem areas. Mr. Hubmer responded that <br /> 38 there was another problem area up at 33`d and Edward, and also some backups along Roosevelt <br /> • 39 and the Minneapolis border. Mr. Hubmer added that sanitary sewer systems were a problem in <br /> 40 several areas in the Twin Cities. <br />