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11 <br /> City Council Study Session Meeting Minutes <br /> May 8, 2001 <br /> Page 2 <br /> 1 Councilmember Hodson asked what causes these backups, and how fast the rate of waterfall has <br /> 2 to be to cause these problems. Mr. Hubmer responded that the soil was already saturated from <br /> 3' the-snow and frost which is what caused the sanitary system to.receive such an inflow of clear- <br /> 4 water that it backed up in some of the lower places in town.;: <br /> 5 Mayor Cavanaugh indicated that their agreement with the Metropolitan Council was insurance <br /> 6 that they were dedicated to fixing the problem. He apologized to Mr. Hauben for the <br /> 7 inconveniences, and said WSB would stay on this problem until they had an answer. <br /> 8 Mr. Hubmer stated that they went out for bids today, and that bids should be in and completed by <br /> 9 the second week of June. He indicated that he could have a report to bring back to the Council <br /> 10 the second week of June. <br /> 11 Mayor Cavanaugh thanked Mr. Hauben for coming. <br /> 12 VI. ACTION ITEMS. <br /> 13 A. Proclaim "Warren Rolek Day" on May 17, 2001. <br /> 14 Mayor Cavanaugh reviewed the proclamation and the party that would be held to honor Warren <br /> 15 Rolek on May 17`h. <br /> 16 Councilmember Sparks moved that"War Ten Rolek Day" be recognized on May 17`h. <br /> 17 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 18 B. Consent Agenda. <br /> 19 Motion by Thuesen, second by Hodson, to approve the Consent Agenda. Said Consent Agenda <br /> 20 consisted of: <br /> 21 1. Claims. <br /> 22 2. Memorandum of Understanding with ISD#282 for Conduct of 2001 Local Elections. <br /> 23 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 24 C. Resolution 01-059, Award Bid-For Landscaping Of Storm Water Pond. <br /> 25 Todd Hubmer reviewed the bids that came in on this project on April 26`h. He indicated that one <br /> 26 of the reasons that they only had two bidders was because they had to be pre-qualified. Mr. <br /> 27 Hubmer stated that the reason for the pre-qualification was due to the sensitive nature of the area. <br /> 28 He recommended that Second Nature Lawn And Landscapes be awarded the bid in the amount of <br /> 29 $268,715.60. <br /> 30 Mayor Cavanaugh asked if the residents had seen this landscaping plan. Mr. Hubmer responded <br /> 31 that they had seen the plans and they have made adjustments to the plans to respond to some of <br /> 32 the concerns of the residents. <br /> 33 Mayor Cavanaugh asked if the area is owned by the property owners once it is completed. Mr. <br />