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City Council Study Session Meeting Minutes 14 <br /> May 8, 2001 <br /> Page 5 <br /> 1 Mayor Cavanaugh stated that they cannot afford$2,200,000, and that they should discuss <br /> 2 rejecting the bids. Councilmember Horst indicated that he did not want to seem like he was not <br /> 3 in favor of the-project at all, but was concerned about_the extreme increase in cost. <br /> 4 Councilmember Thuesen stated that the Council should determine a dollar amount that they will <br /> 5 put into this project, as well as give the Parks Commission a firm date. <br /> 6 Mr. Kost stated that he agreed with Councilmember Thuesen that a specific budget needed to be <br /> 7 determined now that they have all of the necessary information. <br /> 8 Councilmember Horst indicated that he would be comfortable with the initial budget for the <br /> 9 project of$1,600,000. He added that, if obstacles came along, that a changes order be submitted <br /> 10 and discussed, as they have done with passed projects. <br />_ 11 Councilmember Thuesen indicated that he would be comfortable with Roger Larson's <br /> 12 recommendation of$2,300,000, which included the buildings. Councilmember Horst stated that <br /> 13 if they go with that budget, they are in the position to spend every penny, which he was not <br /> 14 comfortable with. <br /> 15 Councilmember Hodson stated that it has been indicated that they have the funds to do a.lot of <br /> •16 the discussed plans, and that they discuss those things. He stated that they have not done. <br /> 17 anything to Central Park for forty-five years, and that it is time to make it a place for multi- <br /> 18 generational use. <br /> 19 Councilmember Horst stated that, while the park may not be functioning to their liking, it is <br /> 20 functioning. He asked why they do not put some more money into the infrastructure of the city, <br /> 21 such as the Public Works Fire Station. <br /> 22 Councilmember Sparks interjected that the park improvements are critical. She referred to some <br /> 23 research that she had done which indicated that city parks increase real-estate values <br /> 24 substantially, and ensure a safer living environment through lighting. Councilmember Sparks <br /> 25 stated that the improvements to Central Park are not a luxury, and are as important as all of the <br /> 26 other projects in the city. <br /> 27 Councilmember Horst stated that he agreed with the information that Councilmember Sparks <br /> 28 reviewed, but that things needed to be prioritized. Councilmember Sparks stated that all of the <br /> 29 projects mentioned tonight were important, including the Central Park project. <br /> 30 Parks Commission Chair Jindra stated that she attended a City Council meeting back in April of <br /> 31 1997 that was filled with residents, and the decision was made to improve the parks in the area. <br /> 32 She asked the Council when that promise would be fulfilled. <br /> 33 <br /> •34 Councilmember Horst stated that he was not opposed to the Central Park Project, but that he did <br /> 35 not support pouring all of the possible funds into the project. <br />