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CC PACKET 05222001
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City Council Study Session Meeting Minutes 13 <br /> May 8, 2001 <br /> Page 4 <br /> 1 Councilmember Hodson asked about extending the bid days. Mr. Kost stated he thought that <br /> 2 was a good suggestion. <br /> 3 Mayor Cavanaugh asked about the.risk that is' the bidder regarding the contaminated soil. <br /> 4 Mr. Kost explained that the circumstances regarding the risk to the bidders varies from digging <br /> 5 into something that would postpone the project, to being required to request a large change order <br /> 6 because a special amount of construction needed to be done. He continued that a number of tests <br /> 7 have given them a good understanding of the location and extent of the contaminated soil; which <br /> 8 has reduced the risks to the bidders significantly. <br /> 9 Chris Bradshaw, of BRW, stated that when they presented their plan to the Minnesota Pollution <br /> 10 Control Agency, they asked for several additional borings and test trenches. He feels they have <br /> 11 peppered the sight with borings, and have delineated two separate, former dumping areas. He <br /> 12 stated that looking at where it all lays out in cross-section, the railroad ties need to be pulled out, <br /> 13 as well as the contaminated soil associated with the railroad ties.-Mr. Bradshaw added that the <br /> 14 health and safety standards of the sight are below risk standards, which is an issue for the <br /> 15 workers, as well. <br /> 16 Councilmember Thuesen asked if this information was available at the time of bidding. Mr. <br /> 17 Bradshaw responded that it was not.available at that time. <br /> 1018 Mr. Kost stated that they would restructure the bidding process next time around, and eliminate <br /> 19 the options. <br /> 20 Mayor Cavanaugh asked Chair Jindra and Maury Anderson their individual opinions on the <br /> 21 project bids. Parks Commission Chair Jindra stated that she wants to see the project move <br /> 22 forward, but would like to reject the bids at this time. Mr. Anderson stated that the Parks <br /> 23 Commission discussed the two options extensively last week, and he believed that the possibility <br /> 24 to save money outweighs the risk of the bids possibly coming in higher. His final. <br /> 25 recommendation was in agreement with Mr. Kost to re-bid the project. <br /> 26 Mayor Cavanaugh asked what costs exist for the city to send this project back out for re-bid. <br /> .27 Mr. Kost stated they would need to redo the bid evaluation, revisit the plans with the Parks <br /> 28 Commission and Mr. Anderson. He estimated the total cost to be $10,000, and said he could <br /> 29 have the information pulled together in the next couple of weeks. <br /> 30 Mr. Kost also indicated that the buildings that were planned to be in Central Park were also an <br /> 31 issue for the contractors. He stated that they were seen as unknowns, which meant that they were <br /> 32 charging more for them. Mr. Kost suggested putting the bids for Central Park, and the buildings <br /> 33 of Central Park out for bid together. <br /> 34 Councilmember Horst asked the Council if they wanted to spend this much money. He stated the <br /> •35 project has increased from a park improvement to a new park. Mr. Kost stated that the Parks <br /> 36 Commission has discussed that as a very real issue, and that the expectations of Central Park <br /> 37 need to be re-determined. <br />
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