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41 <br /> requirements of said Statute,proof of exemption shall be established by affidavit given by the <br /> applicant in form and substance acceptable to the Clerk; <br /> D. All forms and information required by the Police Chief,the Minnesota Department of Public <br /> Safety and the Minnesota Department of Revenue; <br /> E. Any affidavits of the applicant as required by the Clerk,on forms provided by the Clerk,in <br /> support of the application; <br /> F. Authorization to release information obtained in connection with the application, <br /> G. A statement signed by the applicant stating that he or she has reviewed and understands the <br /> pertinent provisions of this Section and State law; <br /> H. In the case of an application for a Wine License,or On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License,the <br /> applicant shall provide evidence satisfactory to the Clerk as to compliance with the requirements <br /> of Subd.2 of Section 1000.12 as to the completion of an alcohol awareness program; <br /> I. In the case of an application for a Wine License or On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License,the <br /> applicant shall provide evidence satisfactory to the Clerk as to compliance with the requirements <br /> of Subd.3 of Section 1000.12 as to the percentage of food sold on the licensed premises.This <br /> requirement shall be established by an affidavit of the licensee on a form provided by the Clerk. <br /> The affidavit shall be given with each application for issuance or renewal on a Wine License or an <br /> On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License,or at other times as the Clerk may request. If the application <br /> is for.the renewal of a Wine License or an On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License,the affidavit shall <br /> also include the actual percentage of gross receipts attributable to the sale of food during the <br /> immediately preceding 12 month period. The Clerk shall require that any such affidavit be <br /> verified and confirmed,on a form provided by the Clerk,by a Certified Public Accountant.Failure <br /> or refusal of a licensee to give such affidavit with such application,or on request of the Clerk,or <br /> any false statement in any such affidavit,shall be grounds for denial,suspension or revocation of <br /> all licenses held by such licensee. <br /> J. In the case of an application for a Temporary On-Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor License or Temporary <br /> Wine License,the applicant shall provide evidence satisfactory to the Clerk that the applicant <br /> complies with the requirements of Section 1000.08 as to being a qualified corporation or <br /> organization; <br /> K. Any other information deemed necessary by the Manager to undertake consideration of the <br /> application. <br /> 1000.06 Consideration of Application;Public Hearing. The provisions of Section 500 of this Code shall <br /> apply to all licenses required by Section 1000.04 and to the holders of such licenses,provided that all licenses shall <br /> be granted or denied by the City Council and the Commissioner,if required by State law. The City Council shall <br /> conduct a public hearing on the application for a new On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License within a.reasonable <br /> period following receipt of a complete application and completion of the investigation required by Section 1000.05. <br /> A notice of the date,time,place and purpose of the hearing shall be published once in the official newspaper not less <br /> than ten days before the date of the hearing. After hearing the oral and written views of all interested persons,the <br /> Council shall make its decision at the same meeting or at a specified future meeting. No hearing shall be required <br /> for the renewal or the transfer of an On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor license. <br /> 1000.07 Fees. <br /> Subd. 1 Application Fee. The annual license application fee shall be the amount set forth in Section <br /> 615.06 of this Code. When a new Wine License or On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License is issued for a <br /> portion of a year,the annual license application fee shall be prorated at the rate of one twelfth of the license <br /> fee per month or portion of a month remaining in the license year at the time of application.The annual <br /> license application fee for a Wine License or for an On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License may be refunded, <br /> -6- <br />