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42 <br /> less costs incurred by the City as determined by the Clerk,in the event that the application is withdrawn by <br /> the applicant or denied by the Council. <br /> Subd.2(On Sale latexieafing Liquor-Lieense Reeewal Fee.A business%4th an On Sale latexieatifig <br /> Liquor Lieense that passes the aenual eaWlianee ebeeks,%ith no vielafiens eaff5ing a penalty of$5 00 e <br /> greater-,under-the pfesumptive penalty pfevisiem eentained in Subseefien 1000.14,shall be eligible fOF a <br /> Subd.-3)Refunds. A monthly pro-rata share of the annual license fee for a Wine License or an On-Sale <br /> Intoxicating Liquor License issued pursuant to this Section may be refunded,less the cost of issuance as <br /> determined by the Clerk,if: <br /> A. The business permanently ceases to operate; <br /> B. The license is transferred to anew licensee in accordance with Section 1000.13 and the City <br /> receives a license fee for the remainder of the license term from the transferee;or <br /> C. A premises licensed to sell wine receives an On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License prior to the <br /> expiration of the Wine License. In this instance,a pro-rata share of the Wine License fee may be <br /> refunded. <br /> Subd.4¢}[3] Investigation Fees.Upon application for a new or the transfer of an existing Wine License, <br /> On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License,On-Sale 3.2 Liquor License or Off-Sale 3.2 Liquor License,the <br /> applicant shall deposit$500.00 with the City for the investigation fee. If the investigation requires an out- <br /> of-state investigation,an additional$2,000.00 shall be deposited before further processing of the <br /> application by the City.The Clerk may from time to time require the deposit of additional investigation <br /> fees up to the limits provided herein before further processing of the application if the cost of investigation <br /> exceeds the amounts previously deposited.The cost of the investigation shall be based on the expense <br /> involved,but in no event shall it exceed$500.00 if the investigation is limited to the State or$10,000.00 if <br /> outside the State.All deposited monies not expended on the investigation shall be refunded to the applicant. <br /> All investigative expenses incurred in excess of the deposit shall be paid prior to consideration of the <br /> license application by the Council. Investigation fees for license renewal shall not exceed$200.00 unless <br /> there is a change of ownership of more than 10%cumulatively over the then existing license period. <br /> 1000.08 Persons Ineligible for License. The following restrictions apply to any applicant who is a natural <br /> person,a general partner if the applicant is a partnership,or a corporate officer if the applicant is a corporation. No <br /> license shall be granted to: <br /> A. Any manufacturer,brewer,or wholesaler as defined in M.S.340A.101,or any manufacturer <br /> of 3.2 percent malt liquor,or to any person who has a financial interest,directly or indirectly,in <br /> such manufacturer,brewer or wholesaler. <br /> B. Any person under the State established legal drinking age. <br /> C. Any person convicted of any willful violation of any law of the United States or any provision <br /> of State Law or this Code with regard to the manufacture,sale or distribution of liquor. <br /> D. Any person not eligible under M.S.340A.402 or the regulations of the Commissioner. <br /> E. Any person who has(i)been convicted,within the five years prior,to the application for a <br /> license,of any violation of any law of the United States,the State,or any other state or territory,or <br /> of any local ordinance with regard to:(a)the manufacture,sale,distribution or possession for sale <br /> or distribution of intoxicating liquor or other controlled substances as defined by State Statute,(b) <br /> gambling,(c)theft,or(d)vice;or(ii)had an intoxicating liquor license,including a wine on-sale <br /> license,revoked for any violation of any statutes,ordinances or regulations relating to the <br /> manufacture,sale,distribution or possession of liquor or wine. <br /> -7- <br />