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PL PACKET 03211995
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PL PACKET 03211995
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12/30/2015 5:29:22 PM
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PL PACKET 03211995
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STAFF REPORT <br /> DATE: March 21 , 1995 <br /> TO: Planning Commission <br /> FROM: Kim Moore-Sykes, Management Assistant <br /> ITEM: Rear Setback Variance Request for 3839 Chandler Drive <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> The owner, Dane Teaman, of Myers Tire Supply, 3839 Chandler Drive is requesting a rear <br /> yard setback variance to locate a utility storage shed one foot from the rear property line. <br /> At the time Mr. Teaman was negotiating for the purchase of the building on Chandler <br /> Drive, he was planning to store a small inventory of product in the facility for distribution <br /> to wholesale customers. <br /> As a result, the owner was cited for fire code violations regarding the inside storage of <br /> flammable and hazardous materials. The owner was advised by the fire department of a <br /> number of options by which he could provide appropriate storage accommodations for the <br /> hazardous materials. These options included storing the materials outside the facility, <br /> • reducing inventory or building appropriate storage space within the building. The <br /> Assistant Fire Chief indicated that he advised the owner to call the City before doing <br /> anything about storage as he may be required to get a permit. Since there was not <br /> adequate space inside the building according to the fire code, the owner opted to store <br /> thesehazardous and flammable materials in an outside utility shed. Before contacting the <br /> City, he took delivery of an 8' by 8' wooden storage shed and placed it 1 foot from the <br /> south property line, thinking he was in compliance with the fire code. He was then <br /> contacted by the City's Building Inspector, as the utility shed was in violation of the City's <br /> zoning ordinance because the storage_shed was_inside the rear yard setback. <br /> According to the ordinance this 8' by 8' wooden utility structure is allowed as long as it is <br /> in the rear yard and not within three feet of the property line. Because of the existing <br /> structure and the configuration of the lot, this property has a 9 foot rear yard. The <br /> structure is in what is considered the property's rear yard but in violation because it is in <br /> the three feet setback area of the property line. Locating the shed on the south side of the <br /> facility causes it to either encroach onto the neighboring property or to be placed on a <br /> utility easement. <br /> Also adjacent to Myers Tire Supply's rear property line is an R-1, occupied structure. <br /> Requiring Mr. Teaman to locate the shed on the NE corner of the lot may not be <br /> agreeable with the resident to the east of Myers Tire Supply. Mr. Teaman has stated that <br /> • the resident has indicated to him that he does not want the shed there as it will seem that <br /> it is in his front yard. Apparently the previous owners of the Myers Tire Supply building <br />
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