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PL PACKET 03211995
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PL PACKET 03211995
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PL PACKET 03211995
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> January 10, 1995 <br /> Page 6 • <br /> 1 Mr. Froehlich stated that he would be satisfied if some type of average would be used to <br /> 2 calculate the assessment. He explained that his lot has only 47 feet front footage and this <br /> 3 formula increases his front footage to 130 feet. <br /> 4 Enrooth asked Mr. Froehlich what he felt would be a fair assessment. <br /> 5 Mr. Froehlich suggested taking all the lots around the cul-de-sac and averaging them out. <br /> 6 Enrooth stated that if this were done,the average would be approximately $3,200.00 to <br /> 7 $3,300.00. <br /> 8 City Manager Morrison reported that a survey had recently been performed and the 35/65 split <br /> 9 was one of the best in all cities. Most cities use a 50/50 split of the cost for improvements. He <br /> 10 also commented that there are no perfect systems for calculating easements. <br /> 11 Mr. Froehlich stated that he would be happy if the assessment was calculated on the figure of his <br /> 12 actual foot frontage doubled. <br /> 13 Mr. Jack Lower, 3012 Armour Terrace, stated that he lived next door to Mr. Froehlich and he <br /> 14 would be satisfied if the lots on that cul-de-sac were averaged out. • <br /> 15 Ranallo explained to Mr. Lower, if that method were used, his assessment would actually go up <br /> 16 $200.00. <br /> 17 Marks addressed the idea of basing the assessment on the value of the lot. He explained that in a <br /> 18 sense this was done, as 65% of the cost of the improvements is paid from the general budget <br /> 19 which is based on property values. <br /> 20 Dave Ferguson, 3101 Bell Lane, stated that he has submitted numerous letters to the council in <br /> 21 regards to this matter. He then explained that he lives on a corner lot and his assessment is <br /> 22 $4,170.00. He believes that he has one of the lower valued properties in the village. He stated <br /> 23 " that this is a neighborhood project. He has spoken with Malcolm Watson, an assessor, and Mr. <br /> 24 Watson relayed that a case could be made for this being a neighborhood project, and in that <br /> 25 regard the costs should be split evenly between everyone that benefits. <br /> 26 John Knutson; 3105 Bell Lane, stated that he has lived in St. Anthony since 1957 and has never <br /> 27 known the city to assess for street improvements before. <br /> 28 Ranallo indicated that the street Knutson lives on had probably not been rebuilt before. <br /> 29 Enrooth explained that streets had been maintained for years until it came to a point that streets <br /> 30 could no longer be maintained. He also stated there had been no major street improvement done <br /> 31 since 1957 until three years ago. Through a long.process, the council began evaluating the <br />
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