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PL PACKET 03211995
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PL PACKET 03211995
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> January 10, 1995 <br /> • Page 7 <br /> 1 streets and realized if they didn't begin doing something,they would be faced with major <br /> 2 problems. <br /> 3 Ranallo reported that a committee had been formed, to evaluate all the streets and sidewalks in <br /> 4 the city. The committee rated the streets and sidewalks according to their disrepair and a plan <br /> 5 was put together that extends for 10-15 years. He explained that the street in front of Mr. <br /> 6 Knutson's house was done by the contractor when the house was originally built and the cost of <br /> 7 the street was added to the purchase price of the home. <br /> 8 Mr. Knutson asked why the assessment was not taken from the property taxes over the years and <br /> 9 what the method of payment would be. <br /> 10 Ranallo explained that the method of payment for the fees would be explained later. They could <br /> 11 be paid over fifteen years or all at once. He explained that if it was paid over the fifteen years, <br /> 12 there would be interest charged. He explained that up until 5-6 years ago, the city could not tax <br /> 13 for something and put into a different account, due to levy limits imposed by the legislature. <br /> 14 Lou Ellis, 3004 Armour Terrace, asked how existing landscaping and sprinkler systems that were <br /> 15 too close to the road would be handled. <br /> 06 Mr. Anderson explained that the project includes items for the restoration of the yards to the best <br /> 17 of the contractor's ability. Very good quality sod will be laid, but it will take time for it to grow. <br /> 18 Sprinkler systems that are too close to the road, will have to be removed from the work area and <br /> 19 will be reinstalled upon completion of the project. He asked that the property owners, please <br /> 20 notify the contractors ahead of time, to avoid any problems. He stated that it did not appear there <br /> 21 were any trees that would have to be removed due to this project. He explained there will be a <br /> 22 newsletter sent to the residents, one to two weeks prior to the commencement of the project, that <br /> 23 will explain what to expect. There will also be an update every two weeks. <br /> 24 Ranallo asked that residents with sprinkler systems, flag the head, so the contractors will know <br /> 25 the sprinklers are there. <br /> 26 Mr. Anderson explained that with the assessment policy, corner lot footage is based only on <br /> 27 100% of the short side and 30%of the long side. He also reported there are a few owners whose <br /> 28 front footage faces Silver Lake Road and only their side footage is on Armour Terrace. These <br /> 29 property owners are not paying anything for their front footage. These residents also get their <br /> 30 water access from Silver Lake Road, so they are not being charged the water main charge either. <br /> 31 Ranallo again stressed that there is no perfect system to satisfy everyone. <br /> Mr. Froehlich asked if these residents would be charged when Silver Lake Road was redone. <br />
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