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PL PACKET 03211995
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PL PACKET 03211995
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PL PACKET 03211995
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> January 23, 1995 <br /> Page 3 <br /> 1 Mr. Schmidt stated he had not seen the survey. Ms. Moore-Sykes showed the survey to him. <br /> 2 After viewing the proposed drainage flow pattern, Mr. Schmidt stated this was sufficient and he <br /> 3 did not have any further objections. <br /> 4 Ms. Kahn, Advanced Design, reported that she is the owner of the lot in question. She stated <br /> 5 there are no homes bordering this lot. There is a parking lot on one side of the lot. She reported <br /> 6 the drainage of the lot will not change with the new construction. The new lot will drain onto <br /> 7 Old Highway 8, not the Townhouse property or the easement on the other side. <br /> 8 Franzese asked if the headlights of vehicles leaving the Townhouses will be shining directly into <br /> 9 the proposed home. <br /> 10 Ms. Kahn reported that there are pine trees surrounding the entire lot and it is difficult to even <br /> 11 see the lot there. She stated she is building the new home for herself. <br /> 12 Makowske asked if the existing garage on Parcel A would be removed. <br /> 13 Ms. Kahn stated the existing garage would remain. She explained she will use the existing drive <br /> 4 off Old Highway 8 to service the garage and the new home with attached garage. She will <br /> 5 decorate the existing garage to coincide with the new home. <br /> 16 Gondorchin inquired how the lot would look from Old Highway 8. <br /> 17 Ms. Kahn explained that when construction was completed you would be able to see the <br /> 18 driveway, the new home, and part of the new garage through the trees. Ms. Kahn stated that the <br /> 19 sewer for the new home will connect directly to the mainline off Old Highway 8. She reported <br /> 20 the existing garage is 6.2 feet from the proposed new lot line which will meet the requirement of <br /> 21 a 5 foot setback. <br /> 22 In response to Gondorchin, Mornson stated that the lot coverage issue will be addressed when the <br /> 23 building permits are requested and was not part of the lot split request.. <br /> 24. Gondorchin asked what type of driveway would be installed for the new and existing garages. <br /> 25 Ms. Kahn explained that it depended how the house would lay out on the lot. She explained she <br /> 26 will not be using the existing garage for parking vehicles, so if it is impossible to tie the two <br /> 27 garages together without an enormous amount of concrete, she will not pave it, but leave it as it <br /> 28 is now. <br /> • <br />
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