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PL PACKET 03211995
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PL PACKET 03211995
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> January 23, 1995 <br /> Page 2 • <br /> 1 Lot B will not. However, Lot B will be grandfathered in, as it was in existence before 8/2/76. <br /> 2 She stated on the revised plat map, the surveyor denoted how the flow of water will drain from <br /> 3 the property once the house is built. She explained that the owner of the property has indicated a <br /> . 4 40' x 60' house will be built and the placement of the house on the lot is approximately as <br /> 5 situated on the plat map. <br /> 6 Makowske inquired as to the significance of Torrens Property as referred to in a letter from <br /> 7 William Soth, dated January 17, 1995. <br /> 8 City Manager Momson explained that "torrens" is a legal term used when it cannot be <br /> 9 determined who actually owned the land. A hearing date will then be set and anyone who has <br /> 10 had anything to do with the land for the past 50 to 60 years will be notified. If no one objects, <br /> 11 the judge will clear the title and the owner can then obtain title insurance. <br /> 12 In response to Bergstrom, Moore-Sykes stated there were no variances required for this lot split. <br /> 13 She stated that the existing building on Parcel B is closer than 30 feet to the front lot line but <br /> 14 could be permitted as an existing nonconforming use. She also reported that Parcel A has an <br /> 15 existing garage that may not meet setback requirements but the Planning Commission can <br /> 16 recommend its removal as part of the lot split. <br /> 17 In response to Makowske, Moore-Sykes stated that the average lot depth of proposed Lot A is <br /> 18 140 feet from the front lot line and Lot B will be grandfathered in, as it has an existing house. <br /> 19 Roy Schmidt, 3256 Old Highway 8, stated he lives in the Townhouses facing the property Ms. <br /> 20 Kahn is intending to develop. He stated his concerns regarding drainage. He reported there is a <br /> 21 lot of water in that area now and they are pumping water continuously. He also inquired as to <br /> 22 how many levels the constructed home will have. <br /> 23 Chair Gondorchin inquired if they had been experiencing water problems ever since the structure <br /> 24 was built and if it was a constant problem. <br /> 25 An unidentified resident of the Townhouses stated the water problem was continual. She thought <br /> 26 it was an underground.water problem and also a run-off problem. She reported they have had to <br /> 27 install gutters and a sump pump, as the water does not seep into the ground. <br /> 28 Franzese asked if there was standing water in the lot. She asked Mr. Schmidt if he had seen the <br /> 29 survey done on the parcel. She stated that according to the survey, the water should run off the <br /> 30 lot. <br />
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