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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> May 20, 1997 <br /> Page 13 <br /> 1 Ms. Moore-Sykes reported the Draft of the Comprehensive Plan will be presented for review <br /> 2 at the July 16, 1997 Planning Commission meeting. Task Force members will be invited to <br /> 3 this meeting. <br /> 4 Chair Bergstrom commented that at the last Task Force meeting there still seemed to be a <br /> 5 number of different versions of things. There did not appear to be a closure on many of the <br /> 6 items. He stated he was confident that Mr. Webber and Ms. Rhees would make reasonable <br /> 7 suggestions based on comments received but was unsure if they would get all the details right. <br /> 8 He was concerned that there would not be sufficient time to make changes to the Draft and to <br /> 9 stay within the required time line of the Metropolitan Council. <br /> 10 The Commission expressed their disappointment and frustration that they did not receive any <br /> 11 summary or information back from BRW, Inc. after the Task Force meetings. <br /> 12 Chair Bergstrom suggested BRW, Inc. should be copied on the Planning Commission packets. <br /> 13 Chair Bergstrom stated he would draft a letter to BRW, Inc. conveying the thoughts of the <br /> 14 Planning Commission and questioning why the Draft of the Comprehensive Plan would not be <br /> 15 submitted in June as originally stated to allow time for revisions prior to submittal to the <br /> 16 Metropolitan Council. <br /> 17 <br /> 18 Submit Draft Plan to Metropolitan Council -- July/August <br /> 19 Public Hearing, October -- City Council <br /> 20 <br /> 21 VIII. COMMENTS. <br /> 22 Commissioner Gondorchin expressed his dissapointment to have missed the Volunteer <br /> 23 Appreciation Dinner due to his being out of town. He also expressed that he would be in <br /> 24 favor of the Ingdal variance request heard earlier this evening. <br /> 25 Commissioner Makowske congratulated Ms. Moore-Sykes on the Award she recently received. <br /> 26 Makowske reported the St. Anthony Civic Orchestra held their Annual Spring Benefit at the <br /> 27 City Hall/Community Center and raised $1,300 to $1,400.toward the orchestra. He stated <br /> 28 there was a neat turn out this year. <br /> 29 Commissioner Thompson reported past Commissioner John Radinor had published an editorial <br /> 30 on sports in favor of a new stadium for the Twins. Thompson reported it was a well written <br /> 31 and fun-to-read editorial. <br /> 32 Chair Bergstrom noted that at the last Task Force meeting the issue of the City monopolizing <br /> 33 on-sale liquor was raised. Bergstrom stated he subsequently asked Ms. Moore-Sykes to pull <br /> 34 together the State Statutes regarding municipal liquor. He reported there does appear to be a <br /> 35 process whereby through petition or un-petitioned City Council action, the City Council can <br /> 36 vote to have split liquor, both municipal operations and private operations. Bergstrom asked <br /> 37 whether the Commissioners felt this was a significant enough development issue that the <br /> 38 Planning Commission should address and bring to the City Council. Bergstrom stated he did <br />