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MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: May 26, 1999 <br /> TO: Planning Commissioners <br /> FROM: Michael Mornson, City Manager <br /> ITEM: SALVATION ARMY PROPERTY <br /> As you know, the Council placed a moratorium on the Salvation Army property <br /> which, in effect, stopped any rezoning changes, building permits-to be issued, <br /> etc. The property can be sold and be used by the current owner, as well as the <br /> prospective owner, as long as the property is being used under the conditions of <br /> its current zoning ordinance. This is allowed by the Recreational and Open <br /> Space District (attached). Currently, the Heart of the Earth School is in <br /> negotiations with the Salvation Army. This is a permited use under the Open <br /> Recreational District. The manner in which they would use the property is also <br /> attached. <br /> The City Council would like you to discuss and debate what the Planning <br /> Commission would like to see,done with the property; should the property stay <br /> zoned as Open Recreational District or should it be rezoned, etc. You can <br /> present your findings at either the June 22"d or July 27' Council meeting, <br /> depending on how long you need to take to explore this issue. <br />