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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes + <br /> October 17, 2000 <br /> Page 7 <br /> 1 Bergstrom noted that he was in full support of the concept and stated that this is an issue that the <br /> 2 Planning Commission had considered for a long time. He commended Thomas for researching <br /> 3 this issue. Additionally, Bergstrom would like to'see a task force developed. Thomas <br /> 4 announced his willingness to serve on such a task force, and noted he will compile additional <br /> 5 information and provide the same to the Commissioners. <br /> 6 3. Commissioners' Comments. <br /> 7 Bergstrom noted that he had received a letter from Mayor Cavanaugh regarding the task force for <br /> 8 the Apache Plaza/Salvation Army property. Thomas volunteered to serve on the committee, as <br /> 9 well as Melsha. Tillmann noted that the entire Planning Commission should be involved, not <br /> 10 necessarily as members, but to attend the meetings and stay informed and involved. Tillmann <br /> 11 expressed her willingness to be on the-committee. <br /> 12 Tillmann wished to recognize the loss to the community of the closing of the Hardware Hank <br /> 13 store. She asked if the Commission could have an update on that area at the next meeting. <br /> 14 Hanson noted that one of the businesses, Alex's Shoes, would be closing soon due to the owner's <br /> 15 health concerns. Additionally, he has been told that the State Farm Agent plans on being in the <br /> 16 old flower store soon, and possibly that Snyders would be expanding. <br /> 17 Isom noted that he was not aware.of further activity with regard to the master plan for the space <br /> 8 at St. Anthony Shopping Center. <br /> 19 Tillmann noted that she thinks it would be helpful in deciding issues to know about the potential <br /> 20 financial impact. For instance, it would have been beneficial in the recent past to have had some <br /> 21 education regarding TIF financing. This involvement and education of sorts might be beneficial <br /> 22 for the Commission in assisting and supporting the City Council in making important decisions. <br /> 23 Bergstrom acknowledged that the Commission should be aware of some baseline numbers. He <br /> 24 suggested that possibly the Commissioners could contact City Staff to obtain some of that infor- <br /> 25 mation prior to meetings where those issues would be presented. <br /> 26 Tillmann expressed support for the televising of the Planning Commission meetings. <br /> 27 Additionally, she expressed delight that the Hennepin Parks is interested in the Salvation Army <br /> 28 property. <br /> 29 Hanson did not have any comments. <br /> 30 Thomas commented that the issues of tax increment financing, zoning, re-zoning, and others are <br /> 31 important for the Commission to be aware of the contraindications for residents. Additionally, <br /> 32 the Commission should be made aware of the benefits for the residents and the City. He used an <br /> 33 example by noting that the City of Minneapolis had used public money to assist Home Depot in <br /> 04 developing a store, but in turn,that assistance it has negatively impacted some important <br /> 35 businesses in St. Anthony. <br /> 36 Melsha commented that he appreciated the Mayor's appearance and felt his comments were help- <br />