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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> • October 10, 2000 <br /> Page 4 <br /> 1 Ms. Wilson stated that several companies that would like for cable franchises to encourage cable <br /> 2 competition'have approached the cities in the metro area. She continued by stating that cities <br /> 3 have long been granting permission to cable companies to have a franchise. The rules were <br /> 4 established by the FCC and they have been modified over the past 30 years. There is a section of <br /> 5 the State Code that also governs some of the cable regulation. <br /> 6 Most of the metropolitan area was franchised in the early 1980's and at that time. Generally <br /> 7 speaking, competition was such then that once a cable company was selected, the other potential <br /> 8 companies moved.on. This is because it was not economic feasible for more than one company <br /> 9 to compete for business. <br /> 10 The change now is that more companies are approaching the North Suburban Cable Commission <br /> 11 to have a franchise. This is due, in part, to the Internet connections, better phone lines, among <br /> 12 other things. Ms. Wilson stated that typically cable companies have always felt more a part of <br /> 13 the entertainment business as opposed to the.communication business. But that vision is <br /> 14 changing. <br /> 15 Ms. Wilson continued by explaining that federal and state policy typically has been to foster <br /> 16 competition so that prices will.stabilize. Ms. Wilson believes that competition may encourage <br /> �7 better customer service and better connections. The downside is that there will be more right of <br /> 8 way clutter and construction. Additional green boxes would be installed <br /> 19 Ms. Wilson stated it would probably be two to five years before the competition actually <br /> 20 materializes. Ms. Wilson reviewed for the Council the qualifications and requirements for <br /> 21 potential cable companies submitting an application for a franchise. <br /> 22 Ms. Wilson reviewed for the Council the backgrounds of the two companies that have <br /> 23 approached the North Suburban Cable Commission and then recommended that the City approve <br /> 24 the franchises for both companies. In this respect, competition would be encouraged and the <br /> 25 residents and economy will determine if one or both companies survive in the competition. <br /> 26 Various questions from the Councilmembers to Ms. Wilson were fielded.-Ms. Wilson noted that <br /> 27 many complaints are coming from residents to the North Suburban Cable Commission.that there <br /> 28 are not enough choices for cable companies. <br /> 29 XI. REPORTS FROM CITY MANAGER AND COUNCILMEMBERS. <br /> 30 City Manager Michael Morrison reported on the following: <br /> 31 1. Morrison stated that, several months ago, the City asked Dick Krier, Midwest Planning & <br /> 32 Design, to discuss The Hitching Post. Morrison explained that the City needs to finish 26,000 of <br /> 33 open space that the City purchased last year. Mr. Krier prepared a cost estimate, which totaled <br /> �4 about $85,000. This did not include NSP's estimates of$45,000. <br />