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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> October 10, 2000 <br /> • Page 5 <br /> 1 Additionally, the City wanted to get an opinion,from the City Attorney regarding the City's <br /> 2 obligation.. The City Attorney's letter of July 19 stated that the easement agreement contains no <br /> 3 obligations on the part of either the City or the HRA to construct any improvements. <br /> 4 Discussion ensued amongst the Councilmembers regarding the green space and easement at the <br /> 5 St. Anthony Shopping Center. <br /> 6 Cavanaugh asked that Morrison talk with The Hitching Post owners and Custom Liquidators to <br /> 7 find out where their plans are regarding the green space for the St. Anthony Shopping Center, <br /> 8 and in addition to place this issue on the HRA agenda. <br /> 9 2. Morrison reported that a suggestion had been made by Horst for the Council to consider <br /> 10 asking the City to sponsor an additional recognition gathering for members of the Parks <br /> 11 Commission, Planning Commission, Police Volunteers and Fire Department Reserves. This <br /> 12 would be similar to what was done in the past, with the exception of the Fire Reserves who are <br /> 13 paid, part-time employees and have not been included in the Volunteer Dinners of the present or <br /> 14 past. <br /> 5 Morrison directed the Council's attention to his memo of October 4, 2000 wherein this issue was <br /> 6 discussed and four options and alternatives were presented. <br /> 17 Horst clarified that the reason that this issue was brought up was because he remembered being <br /> 18 involved on the Planning Commission and felt that this would be an excellent opportunity to <br /> 19 express the City's appreciation for the long hours and volunteer work that the Commission puts <br /> 20 forth. The same reasons would apply for the Parks Commission being recognized for their <br /> 21 tremendous achievements. <br /> 22 Horst further explained that he felt that the Planning and Parks Commission deserved a different <br /> 23 type of appreciation for the long hours and tremendous volunteer work that is set forth. <br /> 24 The Councilmembers reviewed the options and alternatives presented in Mornson's <br /> 25 memorandum. <br /> 26 Thuesen wondered about expanding the role of the Planning and Parks Commissioners in the <br /> 27 annual volunteer recognition dinner. <br /> 28 Cavanaugh believed that compensation should be considered for both the Parks and Planning <br /> 29 Commissioners. <br /> 30 Sparks felt concern about adding another lunch or dinner for Parks and Planning Commissioners <br /> 1 because their time is already stretched with attendance at meetings. She supported the concept <br />