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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> October 17, 2000 <br /> Page 2 <br /> • <br /> 1 1. Mayor Dennis Cavanaugh Would Like to Address the Commission on Various Issues. <br /> 2 Chair Bergstrom welcomed Mayor Cavanaugh to the Commission's meeting. Mayor Cavanaugh <br /> 3 wished to express his appreciation for the Planning Commission's research, discussions, and <br /> 4 decisions regarding the Apache Plaza project as proposed by Hillcrest Development. He wanted <br /> 5 to assure the Planning Commission that all of the work and input that was done over the months <br /> 6 was utilized by the Council. He noted that the issue was extraordinarily complicated and he had <br /> 7 the opinion that the City would most likely never see an issue of that strength again. <br /> 8 Mayor Cavanaugh stated that the Hillcrest Development issue was a critical learning experience <br /> 9 for the City, and he felt that the value of the-Planning Commission was recognized by all of the <br /> 10 City Councilmembers. He reviewed the project overall with the Commissioners and how the <br /> 11 Council arrived at the decision regarding the project. <br /> 12 Mayor Cavanaugh moved forward with this issue by announcing that the City is beginning a new <br /> 13 review of the property in the Apache Plaza area. A task force is being developed and he noted <br /> 14 that some of the members of the Planning Commission have been asked to be a part of the task <br /> 15 force. Additionally, he stated that he has spoken with City Manager Michael Morrison about <br /> 16 looking at other roles for the Planning Commission. He felt that the Planning Commission could <br /> 17 provide many resources for the Council. <br /> 08 Mayor Cavanaugh noted that the Comprehensive Plan should be able to be followed and he has <br /> 19 discussed this issue with City Manager Morrison. He would like to see a long-term plan devel- <br /> 20 oped in order to be able to follow the City's Comprehensive Plan. <br /> 21 Mayor Cavanaugh noted that he had received a request from a resident stating that they believed <br /> 22 the Commissioners on the Parks and Planning Commission should be compensated. Personally, <br /> 23 he stated that he would like to see this take place, and although the compensation would not be of <br /> 24 a great dollar figure, it would be a symbol of the City's appreciation for the work and diligence <br /> 25 that all of the Commissioners put forth. <br /> 26 Mayor.Cavanaugh concluded his presentation by expressing his sincere presentation for the <br /> 27 Commissioner's hours of work_and research that have been provided for the benefit of the City <br /> 28 and the City Council. <br /> 29 Chair Bergstrom thanked Mayor Cavanaugh for,his input. <br /> 30 IV. REQUESTS FOR POSTPONEMENTS OR WITHDRAWAL OF APPLICATIONS. <br /> 31 None. <br /> 32 V. NEW APPLICATIONS/PUBLICHEARINGS. <br /> 33 1. Concept Review. Proposed Walgreen's Store at the Corner of Silver Lake and 37th_ <br /> •34 Avenue. <br /> 35 Chair Bergstrom requested a report from Assistant City Manager Spencer Isom. Isom reviewed <br /> 36 briefly for the Commission that Mr. Mike Kalscheur of TOLD Development Company was in <br /> 37 the audience to discuss the proposed Walgreens store for the Northwest Corner of 37th Avenue <br />