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PL PACKET 11212000
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PL PACKET 11212000
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12/30/2015 7:38:19 PM
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PL PACKETS 2000-2004
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PL PACKET 11212000
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> October 17, 2000 <br /> Page 3 <br /> • <br /> 1 and Silver Lake Road. In this respect, Isom introduced Mr. Kalscheur and invited him to address <br /> 2 the Commission. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Mr. Kalscheur explained for the Commission that the project.would involve an approval process. <br /> 5 The project would, in essence, involve the demolition of the existing Amoco gas station and car <br /> 6 wash buildings, along with the combination of the approximately 265 easterly feet of the <br /> 7 adjacent property owned by Ken Solie of Village Properties. There are binding purchase <br /> 8 agreements signed with both BP-Amoco and Mr. Solie. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Mr. Kalscheur presented a preliminary site plan that showed a 14,490 square foot Walgreens <br /> 11 with a drive-through pharmacy on the site. Mr..Kalscheur explained that the drive-through <br /> 12 pharmacy is strictly for convenience pick ups, and would not provide the customers access to <br /> 13 dialogue with the pharmacist nor would it involve a loud speaker. <br /> 14 Mr. Kalscheur explained that the design of the building is intended for areas such as St. Anthony <br /> 15 where residential properties are in close proximity. As a neighborhood retailer, Walgreens has <br /> 16 developed a building exterior that utilizes pitched roofs with residential-style shingles and <br /> 17 subdued signage to fit within the surroundings. In addition, the building would be brick on all <br /> 18 four sides and would utilize only quality materials. The intent is to be more sensitive to a <br /> 19 residential neighborhood. <br /> • <br /> 20 Mr. Kalscheur noted that he is looking forward to working with the Planning Commission and it <br /> 21 is his hope and intent to provide a quality building and service to the community. <br /> 22 Bergstrom inquired if this property is within the boundary that there is a moratorium for that <br /> 23 area. Isom noted that he believed this property was not included within the moratorium. <br /> 24 Bergstrom inquired if a minor amendment needed to be made to the Comprehensive Plan. Isom <br /> 25 noted that this project is contingent upon Mr. Solie and the Animal Hospital being able to bring <br /> 26 their issue to a close. <br /> 27 Thomas inquired about the color of the brick. Mr. Kalscheur noted that the brick was somewhat <br /> 28 of an earth tone, but would prefer to bring a brick sample in to present to the Commission be- <br /> 29 cause the color was difficult to describe. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 Thomas asked for other cities for which TOLD Development had built other Walgreens. Some <br /> 32 of the cities Mr. Kalscheur mentioned were in Chaska, Hastings, and Brainard. Thomas <br /> 33 requested that Mr. Kalscheur bring some photographs in to the next Commission meeting of the <br /> 34 other projects. Additionally, Thomas asked if there would be additional signs for the building <br /> 35. other than what was depicted on the presented drawings. Mr. Kalscheur noted that there would <br /> 36 be a minimum of signage involved;and probably less than what was depicted on the <br /> 37 presentation. Mr. Kalscheur noted that a pylon sign would be requested;however, Bergstrom <br /> •38 noted that the City would prefer a monument sign rather than a pylon. <br /> 39 Bergstrom inquired if any variances or setbacks would be anticipated. Mr. Kalscheur noted that <br />,. 40 he did not believe that any variances or setbacks would be required because all of the appropriate <br />
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