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PL PACKET 08212001
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PL PACKET 08212001
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> July 17, 2001 <br /> Page 12 <br /> 1 Mr. Hansen asked, "What has been added to this proposal tonight, other than school district property, <br /> 2 and city-owned property ordinance that is included in recreational areas?" <br /> 3 The Commission requested that Mr. Hansen continue with his comments,and then they will respond. <br /> 4 Mr. Hansen identified the change in the ordinance to include the ability for the sign to flash. Chair <br /> 5 Melsha corrected Mr. Hansen by stating that the ordinance states that the sign cannot contain a flashing <br /> 6 sign. After reviewing the ordinance, and the letter from the City Attorney, they identified a conflict <br /> 7 between the two documents. Chair Melsha stated that they will adjust Ordinance 2001-002, Section <br /> s 1400.12. <br /> 9 Mr. Hansen stated that the Planning Commission said that they wanted to eliminate the need for people <br /> 10 to have to come in to request a variance, but that amending the City Code would not accomplish that. <br /> 11 He was concerned that this was opening up to even more than before. He stated that the City should <br /> 12 be a leader for the rest of the businesses that they want in the city. <br /> 13 Mr. Hansen stated he has not seen the Communications Plan that is referred to in the quarterly <br /> 14 newsletter. He commended Ms. Henry on her enhancements to the newsletter. He asked if they have <br /> 15 a Communications Plan, and if they do not have a Communications Plan in place, he suggested they get <br /> 16 one. Mr. Hansen stated that the cable station indicated that you can receive a copy of the agenda for <br /> 17 this evening on their website, which he found to be untrue. Mr. Hansen suggested that they enhance <br /> 18 and better utilize the communication tools that are now in place and stated he would like to see a <br /> 19 Communications Plan in the City of St. Anthony. <br /> 20 Mr. Hansen stated that his number one problem with the sign was the safety issue. He stated he <br /> 21 drove 40 mph down the road where the sign would go every day last week, and was being passed, or <br /> 22 tailed. He added that the school has been concerned about traffic in the past. He stated that if they <br /> 23 want this City Hall to look good, why don't they look at landscaping. <br /> 24 Mr. Hansen suggested doing some research to find out what the best bang for the buck is on this issue. <br /> 25 He believes the website could be better used. <br /> 26 Mr. Hansen stated he was very disappointed, and felt as though he was wasting his time since Mayor <br /> 27 Cavanaugh said that the sign would happen. He said they are practicing bad politics, and if they really <br /> 28 want to communicate with the people, study the subject. Finally, Mr. Hansen stated he wanted <br /> 29 answers to his questions. <br /> 30 Vice Chair Stille restated the motion from the last meeting, and said that it appears that the city, or <br /> 31 school-owned property aspect of the ordinance is not included in the draft of the ordinance, and <br /> 32 needed to be discussed by the Commission. Chair Melsha stated that the Salvation Army property and <br /> 33 the Golf Course are also recreational open-space. <br /> 34 Mr. Hansen asked about the Communications Plan. Ms. Henry stated that the City does have a goal <br /> 35 regarding communication which contains a lot of the information discussed tonight. She added that it is <br />
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