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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> July 17, 2001 <br /> Page 13 <br /> 1 part of the City Council's goals. Ms. Henry acknowledged Mr. Hansen's ideas, and thanked him for <br /> 2 coming. <br /> 3 Mr. Hansen reiterated that it was bad politics, if the deal is done. <br /> 4 Chair Melsha closed the public hearing at 9:00 p.m. <br /> 5 Chair Melsha stated that they have taken a step back to sort of redraft. <br /> 6 Vice Chair Stille agreed and identified some of what they had taken into consideration were Mr. <br /> 7 Hansen's comments. He added that he would like to maintain control. <br /> 8 Commissioner Hanson asked about the Task Force that is looking into the.beautification of the City <br /> 9 Hall Building. He suggested that Mr. Hansen, and other residents lend their time to help with the <br /> 10 improvements. <br /> 11 Mr. Hansen asked Ms. Henry if part of the findings of the Community CenterTask Force was to <br /> 12 recommend the sign. Ms. Henry stated there is an initiative to work to spruce up the grounds. She <br /> 13 added that it coincides very well with the electronic sign, but that she needed to check with Jay <br /> 14 Hartman to see where the Task Force process is at this time. <br /> 15 Commissioner Hanson added that Ms. Henry inform residents in her newsletter that members of the <br /> 16 community do not have to subscribe to cable in order to have access to the city meetings. He added <br /> 17 that he does not see the lack of information on the website that Mr. Hansen referred to. Ms. Henry <br /> 18 stated that she feels they are doing well with the website, and acknowledged the importance of keeping <br /> 19 the website current. <br /> 20 Commissioner Tillmann stated that the conditional use permit is a very sensitive issue among the <br /> 21 community and among the Commission. She added that she felt that the process that they are using is <br /> 22 adequate. Commissioner Tillmann stated that after the decisions are made surrounding this sign, other <br /> 23 changes could be made. <br /> 24 Commissioner Steeves stated that the decision of the cost is for the City Council to make. He added <br /> 25 that what they have been attempting to do with this ordinance was to allow for some limited use. He <br /> 26 added that he would be opposed to what has been outlined because he feels it would never be brought <br /> 27 back to the Commission to address safety concerns, landscaping, and design guidelines. He added <br /> 28 that this change would allow for change without any permits. Commissioner Steeves stated that he felt <br /> 29 the.conditional use achieved what they wanted to do while still allowing the City to proceed with its <br /> 30 plan. <br /> 31 Chair Melsha stated that they are not wed to what they have, and that it appeared that the Commission <br /> 32 wanted to go back to the conditional use route. <br /> 33 Commissioner Tillmann stated that the City Council were concerned about was that the <br />