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r + <br /> Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> July 17, 2001 <br /> Page 15 <br /> 1 for the next City Council meeting. <br /> 2 Commissioner Tillmann referred to the minutes from the last Council meeting and comments made by <br /> 3 Mayor Cavanaugh, and stated that they have completed_some of what he has requested. <br /> 4 After discussing the option to recommend the sign with a conditional use,the Commission decided to <br /> 5 add a few things to the outline drawn up by Commissioner Tillmann, which would keep them on <br /> 6 schedule in terms of the readings. <br /> 7 Commissioner Hanson suggested that they add a fifth point to the outline to include safety issues. <br /> 8 Motion by Vice Chair Stille, second by Commissioner Tillmann, to recommend that electronic reader- <br /> 9 board signs are allowed as a conditional use on lands zoned recreational open-space on city, or school- <br /> 10 owned property with the following conditions: <br /> 11 - Flashing and animation are prohibited. <br /> 12 - Hours of operation are limited. (Hours shall be between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 <br /> 13 p.m.) <br /> 14 - Message changeability should be a minimum required to accomplish the purpose of the sign. <br /> 15 - Sign aesthetics such as message color, size of reader-board and sign, construction materials, <br /> 16 and landscaping. <br /> 17 - Consideration should be given to safety issues. <br /> 18 - Purpose of the sign should be for public services only. <br /> 19 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 20 IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS. <br /> 21 Chair Melsha indicated that he distributed an outline of the Antenna Ordinance to the Commissioners, <br /> 22 which had been drawn up by the antenna ordinance sub-committee.. He reviewed the requirements <br /> 23 and Standards for all Wireless Telecommunications Facilities(WTFs): Siting, Color and Architecture, <br /> 24 Landscaping, Signs, Lighting, Monopole, Setbacks, Height, Safety/Environment Standards. <br /> 25 Chair Melsha asked the Commission to review the.outline for the next meeting, and indicated they <br /> 26 would tweak and polish it then. <br /> 27 Commissioner Hanson stated that he had nothing new to report at this time on the housing point-of-sale <br /> 28 ordinance. <br /> 29 X. ANNOUNCEMENTS. <br /> 30 Chair Melsha thanked the sign sub-committee for their efforts and progress thus far. <br /> 31 Chair Melsha added that he was encouraged by the presentation this evening on the Northwest <br /> 32 Quadrant. <br /> 33 Commissioner Hanson noted that the Fitness Crossroads Fitness Center opened last week. <br />