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Planning Commission,Meeting Minutes <br /> July 17, 2001 <br /> Page 14 <br /> 1 recommendation was a not specific enough. She added that she has concerns as to how the ordinance <br /> 2 was written. <br /> 3 Commissioner Tillmann distributed her suggestions for.the electronic sign issue: <br /> 4 "Recommendation for ordinance change- <br /> 5 1. Add definition of"Electronic Sign"to definitions section 1400.04. <br /> 6 2. Add to Section 1400.07 Prohibited Signs: <br /> 7 Electronic signs except public service signs owned by governmental units and located in <br /> 8 recreational/open space. <br /> 9 3. Add to Section 1400.12 District Scheduled, Subd. 4 Recreational Open Space. <br /> 10 <br /> 1 I Public Service, Electronic signs are a conditionally permitted use. (CUP required) The conditions <br /> 12 cover at least the following: <br /> 13 1. Flashing and animation prohibited. <br /> 14 2. Hours of operation. (Maximum allowable is 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. May be less if situation <br /> 15 warrants.) <br /> 16 3. Message changeability should be minimum required to accomplish the purpose of the sign. <br /> 17 4. Sign aesthetics such as message color, size of reader-board and sign, construction materials, <br /> 18 landscaping." <br /> 19 <br /> 20 After reviewing her ideas with the Planning Commission, Commissioner Tillmann stated that she liked <br /> 21 the CUP idea because they have definite ideas for the project at hand, and she does not believe that <br /> 22 the restrictions, or limitations would be the same with every case. <br /> 23 Chair Melsha stated that the Commission does not recommend approving a permitted use permit now, <br /> 24 and asked Ms. Henry for advice. <br /> 25 Ms. Henry stated that City Attorney Jerry Gilligan could draw up the definition of electronic sign, and <br /> 26 that the information that Commissioner Tillmann outlined was quite detailed. She added that, if they do <br /> 27 not want to carry this on, perhaps they want to go with the CUP. <br /> 28 Commissioner Hanson recommended they take the information that Commissioner Tillmann outlined, <br /> 29 along with what is contained in the packet tonight and merge them together. <br /> 30 Vice Chair Stille identified Commissioner Tillmann's outline as quite detailed, but was still confused at <br /> 31 to what they should do next. <br /> 32 Commissioner Steeves stated that he was surprised at the City Council's decision to send the issue <br /> 33 back to the Planning Commission. He stated that they can reiterate their thoughts, or they can attempt <br /> 34 to try to make them very polished and specific. He added that Commissioner Tillmann's outline was a <br /> 35 great basis for legal staff to work from. <br /> 36 Ms. Henry stated that, if they were to do that, it would probably not be ready in time for the next <br /> 37 meeting. Chair Melsha asked if they would be waving a reading by not having the information in time <br />