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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> July 17, 2001 <br /> Page 5 <br /> 1 Council. He added, that this is one of the opportunity sites identified by the Metropolitan <br /> 2 Council and stated that they did assist in the funding for some of the studies done for this <br /> 3 project. Fortunately, he added, this is the first project to be at this point. <br /> 4 Mr. Shardlow stated that it is also important to meet with the bank that owns the property and <br /> 5 discuss the potential ways that they feel the gap could be closed. <br /> 6 Mr. Shardlow added that this is not a hopeless situation, but there exist some significant gaps <br /> 7 that need to be dealt with. <br /> 8 Mr. Shardlow stated that the decision on part of Salvation Army to probably sell to the <br /> 9 Hennepin County Park Reserve, and the change in tax structure are the two significant changes <br /> 10 that have occurred since the onset of this project. <br /> 11 Mr. Shardlow stated their recommendation is that the Planning Commission accept this report <br /> 12 and recommend that the City Council direct the consultant team to move forward in marketing <br /> 13 the site for redevelopment. He indicated that by approving this report, they will be indicating <br /> 14 their conditional agreement that developments of the style, use and intensity indicated in the <br /> 15 concepts are appropriate for the site and will be beneficial to the community. <br /> 16 Jim Prosser came forward to discuss three topics: reviewing the framework for concepts <br /> 17 included in the Plan, the financial challenges, and the specifics about the next step. <br /> is Mr. Prosser stated that they would provide a framework, a building block, to look at <br /> 19 redevelopment options for the area. He indicated that the information is to be used by the <br /> 20 developers to give them a very general framework for preparation of development proposals. <br /> 21 Mr. Prosser stated that it is very likely that the development proposals that result from the <br /> 22 proposal process will vary extensively from what is found in the framework. He stated it is <br /> 23 important to note that this is not any formal zoning for approval. <br /> 24 Mr. Prosser reviewed the challenges faced by this redevelopment. He stated it was an <br /> 25 ambitious undertaking to begin with. He indicated that the city involvement is critical in this <br /> 26 project, and that, without intervention on the part of the City, redevelopment would not occur. <br /> 27 Mr. Prosser stated that the challenges are quite clear. He indicated that changes in the tax <br /> 28 laws have created a nearly 40% gap in the project, versus a previously comfortable 10% gap. <br /> 29 Mr. Prosser then asked if the process was still possible, to which he responded yes. He stated <br /> 30 that there existed three alternatives: Talking to the property owners to reduce cost of purchase, <br /> 31 Looking at some of the other businesses along Silver Lake Road that could be designed into a <br /> 32 more focused retail center, and For the City to look at gaining some grant funds from <br /> 33 Metropolitan Council or the State. <br />