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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> July 17, 2001 <br /> Page 6 <br /> 1 Mr. Prosser addressed the third issue of where to go from this point. He stated that once a <br /> 2 Concept Plan is approved it would go to the development marketplace. He indicated that the <br /> 3 developers would want to see that there is a vision and a commitment from the City. He <br /> 4 indicated that they would then ask for proposals to be reviewed by Planners. Mr. Prosser <br /> 5 stated that the Planners would not be making recommendations but provide them with the tools <br /> 6 needed to make decisions. <br /> 7 Mr. Prosser stated that, once a developer(s) is selected for preliminary acceptance, the <br /> 8 developer(s) goes back to the Plan to provide more details and then go back to the community <br /> 9 before they go to the Planning Commission and the City Council. He explained that they would <br /> 10 be in the position to proceed with a more formal development procedure at that point. <br /> 11 Mr. Prosser stated that they want to seek a developer who works well with the community, has <br /> 12 a flexible track record, and has the ability to secure outside funding. Mr. Prosser indicated that <br /> 13 there are certainly challenges ahead, but they are confident that the community of St. Anthony is <br /> 14 poised to address those challenges. <br /> 15 b. Commission comments. <br /> 16 Vice Chair Stille asked Mr. Prosser if they needed to approach Metropolitan Council early on. <br /> 17 Mr. Prosser stated that they would suggest sitting down with Metropolitan Council as soon as a <br /> 18 document is approved. He stated that this project should get the attention of the Metropolitan <br /> 19 Council, even though they have several projects of the same nature that they are funding. He <br /> 20 added that they would need to have a developer before approaching Metropolitan Council. <br /> 21 Chair Melsha stated he was trying to determine how challenging the obstacles they are facing <br /> 22 really are. Mr. Shardlow indicated that the last legislative session really eliminated any sense of <br /> 23 certainty for the future. He added that the Metropolitan Council has been very clear to cluster <br /> 24 their support for the communities that are re-investing in themselves,and stopping sprawl, <br /> 25 which is the City of St. Anthony. <br /> 26 Commissioner Tillmann asked about the Master Framework Plan, and asked for some specific <br /> 27 examples that came directly from the Steering Committee. Mr. Shardlow indicated that they <br /> 28 went through some exercises with the community and surveys of visual preferences. He stated <br /> 29 that from that input, they drafted goals for the project, which led to the Concept Plans. <br /> 30 Mr. Shardlow identified some of the concerns that have been expressed by the community <br /> 31 which were the number of school- aged kids generated from this development, and the long- <br /> 32 term maintenance of the area. He stated that what they were unable to deliver on was low <br /> 33 residential and wide-open spaces. <br /> 34 Chair Melsha referred to the Task Force and the tour that they went on with Mr. Shardlow, <br /> 35 and asked him what resulted from that tour. Mr. Shardlow stated that members of the Task <br /> 36 Force should respond to the question of their perception. He added that they looked at other <br /> 37 cities on the tour, and the people seemed to be more comfortable with the project, having seen <br />