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MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: 05/11/04 MEETING DATE: 05/18/04 <br /> TO: Chair Stromgren & Planning Commission Members <br /> FROM: Susan M.H. Hall, Assistant City Manager <br /> SUBJECT: City Electronic Monument Sign <br /> Requested Action: <br /> On May 18, the Planning Commission should review and re-discuss the City's electronic <br /> reader board monument sign. At the meeting, the Commission should also discuss a <br /> schedule to move ahead with the public hearing concerning the sign. <br /> Background: <br /> The topic of a city electronic reader board goes back a few years; some on the Planning <br /> Commission have first-hand knowledge. The City Council has put the issue to the top of <br /> the list with it being a goal for 2004. The Council would like to see the sign installed this <br /> summer. <br /> In late 2000, the Planning Commission formed a subcommittee and thereafter came up <br /> with recommendations. The first recommendation concerned the location and the <br /> second related to the need for an ordinance amendment to allow for electronic signs. <br /> The preferred location recommended by the subcommittee was the area in front of the <br /> tennis courts nearby the intersection of 33rd Avenue and Silver Lake Road. The site was <br /> preferred because the sign could be built up on the side the hill and could accommodate <br /> plantings. The location directly in front of City Hall was discussed but not preferred due <br /> to visibility and space constraints. In addition, a site in front of Central Park, along Silver <br /> Lake Road, was discussed. <br /> On June 19, 2001, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to amend the city <br /> ordinance to allow for electronic signs, as a conditional use, in areas zoned recreational <br /> open space on city and/or school owned property, for public information purposes only. <br /> It was noted that considerations should be given to safety and aesthetics. The public <br /> hearing brought a lot of discussion about what the sign would look like. The Planning <br /> Commission noted on July 17, 2001, when the issue returned from the City Council, that <br /> the conditional use permit process would be used to set conditions to cover at least the <br /> following: (1) flashing and animation prohibited; (2) hours of operation are limited and <br /> shall be between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m.; (3) message changeability should be <br /> minimum required to accomplish the purpose of the sign; and (4) sign aesthetics such <br /> as color, size of reader board and sign, construction materials, and landscaping; (5) <br /> consideration should be given to safety issues; and (6) purpose of sign should be for <br /> public services only. The City Council thereafter approved the ordinance change, <br /> following three readings and subject to the above conditions, on July 24, 2001. <br /> Given today's circumstances, including the addition of the Fire Station to Silver Lake <br /> Road, staff recommends the sign be placed in the island area between the City <br />