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PL PACKET 07202004
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PL PACKET 07202004
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PL PACKET 07202004
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> June 15, 2004 <br /> Page 9 <br /> 1 Square, is a very thin,narrow side yard that is approximately 2.5 feet in width. He stated that the <br /> 2 landscape proposal shows shrubbery in the area noting that it is being suggested that they not <br /> 3 plant anything in that area as it would not be durable or viable in long run. He stated that they <br /> 4 should have the materials and colors finalized prior to presenting the plan to Council. <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Commissioner Gray clarified that the affordable housing units would not be restricted to a <br /> 7 specific area of the building. Mr. Thorvig confirmed stating that the affordable units would be <br /> 8 spread throughout the building. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Todd Hubmer, City Engineer, stated that he has worked closely with the Development Team <br /> 11 throughout the process and that he has reviewed the plans. He stated that he does not see <br /> 12 anything inconsistent with respect to any of the designs. He stated that his only issue and <br /> 13 concern is with some of the elevations along 39t°Avenue in addition to details relating to the <br /> 14 construction on the utility work. He stated that the Concept Plan, as presented, is consistent with <br /> 15 what has been seen in the past. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Gary Vogel, and Matt Karesh, both of BKV Group,provided the Commission with an overview <br /> 18 of the exterior elevations. He noted that the easterly half of the site is retail. He stated that the <br /> 19 Central Park area is the split between the retail from the east and the residential from the west <br /> 20 and reviewed with the Commission. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 Mr. Vogel reviewed the site layout with the Commission stating that they have also brought a <br /> 23 working model for their review. He stated that the Central Park design is currently in process <br /> 24 and referenced the additional units stating that they have more, longer angles around the <br /> 25 building. He reviewed the access points and parking areas with the Commission noting that <br /> 26 there are direct pull-up areas in the general occupancy area. He reviewed the landscaping <br /> 27 proposal stating that there would be a wider median down the center that would include <br /> 28 landscaping. He stated that the Courtyard would include a swimming pool, a barbecue pit and a <br /> 29 spa that would available to all residents. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 Commissioner Jensen referenced the color schemes and materials and asked if they have made <br /> 32 any decisions yet. Mr. Vogel explained that they have not made any decisions on the materials <br /> 33 yet. He stated that they did bring examples of the bricking for their review adding that they <br /> 34 would like to see a reddish colored brick, which is the basic color of brick used on the Wal-Mart. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Commissioner Jensen asked if this is their final review. Chair Stromgren confirmed that this is <br /> 37 the final review as part of the PUD requirement. He stated that the plan has already been <br /> 38 approved and reviewed with Commission. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 Commissioner Hoska referenced the underpass near 38`h Lane and asked if it would be wide <br /> 41 enough for emergency vehicles. Mr. Vogel confirmed that it would be wide enough stating that <br /> 42 they met with the Fire Department to ensure that they did meet the emergency vehicle <br /> 43 requirements. <br /> 44 <br /> 45 Mike Karesh, BKV, provided the Commission with an example of the development with a 3-D <br /> 46 Study Model for their review. He reviewed the process they used to determine the appearance of <br />
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