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PL PACKET 07202004
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PL PACKET 07202004
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PL PACKET 07202004
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> June 15, 2004 <br /> Page 10 <br /> 1 the development with respect to residential with Commission. He stated that the current <br /> 2 elevations work well with the concept of a small town feel and reviewed with Commission. He <br /> 3 reviewed the arch pass-through and the clubhouse location with the Commission stating that the <br /> 4 infill between would create a repetition and patterning that would provide an interesting view. <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Chair Stromgren stated that there is cement slab in some areas and panel in others and asked for <br /> 7 clarification. Mr. Karesh confirmed and reviewed the materials that would be used for siding at <br /> 8 the various elevations with the Commission. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Commissioner Jensen asked when they would make the final decision as to the type of brick. <br /> 11 Mr. Thorvig stated that they would like to have the decision made prior to the next City Council <br /> 12 meeting. He provided Commission with examples of the bricking used at Wal-Mart and the <br /> 13 Village Shops along 39`h Avenue noting that all of the colors under consideration would play off <br /> 14 each other quite well and would also remain consistent with the area. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 Chair Stromgren explained that it is the Commission's hope that they would consider a more <br /> 17 textured appearance in the residential areas. Mr. Karesh confirmed that they would be looking at <br /> 18 a more textured appearance for the residential areas and reviewed with the Commission. <br /> 19 <br /> 20 Patricia Grimes, 3201 Townview Avenue Northeast, St. Anthony Housing Group, stated that <br /> 21 back in September there was discussion that approximately 25% of the units would be affordable <br /> 22 noting that it has dropped to 20% with a change to 50% of the median income. She stated that it <br /> 23 would require a $12.65-per hour job and expressed concerns stating that the median wage is <br /> 24 approximately $10.00, which means that many would not be able to afford a unit. She reviewed <br /> 25 their concerns stating that they would prefer to see a 30%to 50%variable median wage that <br /> 26 would allow more of the residents an opportunity to purchase a unit. She noted that the County <br /> 27 funding also anticipated the 30% to 50%median wage guidelines and encouraged them to take <br /> 28 this under consideration. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Mr. Moorhouse explained that there has been a misunderstanding with respect to the median <br /> 31 income percentages. He clarified that the proposal has always been at the 50%median income <br /> 32 range. He stated that the 30%might have come from the calculations that were used when <br /> 33 explaining the process. He stated that the proposed 20%to 25% affordability is what they would <br /> 34 like to accomplish adding that the percentage would fluctuate during the term of the <br /> 35 affordability. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 Vice Chair Hanson referenced the 20% affordability median and suggested that the Commission <br /> 38 include a condition in their motion to maintain at 20% to 25% affordability. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 Chair Stromgren asked if the agreement spells out the access to the affordable units. Mr. <br /> 41 Moorhouse confirmed that the agreement specifies up to 25% and the written correspondence <br /> 42 with the City specifies access to the affordable units would be throughout the building and <br /> 43 evenly distributed. He stated that affordable units would be included in both the general <br /> 44 occupancy and the senior area. He assured the Commission that they are very committed noting <br /> 45 that the affordable units will fluctuate between 20% and 25%. <br /> 46 <br />
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