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PL PACKET 07202004
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PL PACKET 07202004
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PL PACKET 07202004
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> June 15, 2004 <br /> Page 11 <br /> 1 Chair Stromgren recommended that the colors and the materials be clarified prior to presenting <br /> 2 the plan to City Council for consideration. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Motion by Chair Stromgren, second by Vice Chair Hanson to recommend approval of the <br /> 5 Dominium portion of the final plan, based on the fact that it is consistent with the Northwest <br /> 6 Quadrant Redevelopment Plan and Site Guidelines; that the conditions clarify that the color and <br /> 7 the materials are consistent; Landscaping along the west parking line would be eliminated for <br /> 8 future use; representation that the agreement sets a minimum at 20% for affordable units with a <br /> 9 maximum of 25%. <br /> 10 <br /> 11 Motion carried unanimously <br /> 12 <br /> 13 Mr. Thorvig stated that the north portion of the housing development is a project managed by <br /> 14 Len Pratt and Dan Hunt. He stated that their preliminary concept plan was approved at same <br /> 15 time as the Dominium location. He stated that they are proposing four modified,u-shape <br /> 16 buildings and reviewed with the Commission. He explained that the building appearance is four <br /> 17 stories and would have a flat roof and brick facing with the use of stucco board. He stated that <br /> 18 the colors are very close noting that it would be a rusty-reddish brick color with a lighter cream <br /> 19 on the stucco board. He noted that specific colors have not yet been designated adding that they <br /> 20 are currently working out the pricing. He stated that the density of the building is down to 251 <br /> 21 units and reviewed with the Commission. He indicated that all of the units are `for sale' units <br /> 22 noting that affordability is the only question as none of the `For Sale' units meet the 50%median <br /> 23 guidelines. He explained that the units are projected to cost approximately$200.00 per square <br /> 24 foot and reviewed with the Commission. He reviewed the parking requirements with the <br /> 25 Commission noting that the plan is basically the same as Dominium. He stated that the final plat <br /> 26 is consistent with the preliminary plat adding that they are requesting approval of the `For Sale' <br /> 27 portion, as it is consistent with the approved Concept Plan. He stated that the design guidelines <br /> 28 have been included for their review noting that one of the conditions outlined is that the exact <br /> 29 colors must be defined prior to final permit approval. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 Len Pratt referenced the site plan and reviewed the relationship between the `For Sale' units and <br /> 32 rental with the Commission. He provided the Commission with an overview of the orientation <br /> 33 and layout stating that with the reconstruction of 39"Avenue comes a sequencing of the `For <br /> 34 Sale' units noting that the first to be built would be on the corner. He stated that there would be <br /> 35 a park that would separate the retail/office buildings from the housing units and reviewed with <br /> 36 the Commission. He indicated that there would be outdoor parking spaces and a private drive <br /> 37 that would be shared by both the rental and the `For Sale' areas. He referenced the front <br /> 38 elevation of the building stating that there would direct access from the first floor homes to 39`, <br /> 39 Avenue or from the south side out to the courtyard. He stated that they have approximately 150 <br /> 40 people who have expressed an interest in this development noting that he has a subset of buyers <br /> 41 that have already made a commitment to buy. He stated that the number one reason they have <br /> 42 heard to purchase is that they feel that they have come home to St. Anthony. He noted that the <br /> 43 people interested in the units have either lived here all their lives and are now downsizing or used <br /> 44 to live here and want to come back into the area. <br /> 45 <br />
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