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. L <br /> -6- r <br /> Motion by Councilman -Marks and seconded by Councilman Ranallo to <br /> • request the MTC to include the 29th Avenue N.E. . and .Silver Lake <br /> Road site in their capital improvement -program for 1980 for -loca- <br /> tion of a bus shelter at a cost to the City of up to ten percent, <br /> but not to exceed $500, per their agreement. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> In response to the suggestion from the Apache Plaza Shopping -Center <br /> that more sidewalks might improve the economic viability of the <br /> center, it was Mr. Fornell' s .recommendation that any more sidewalks <br /> other than those approved for- 39th Avenue N.E. should be rejected <br /> due to maintenance costs, unless the shopping center management <br /> indicates a willingness to participate in the installation and <br /> maintenance costs of providing these improvements at other sites. <br /> Councilman Marks saw the City as lacking .in sidewalks, but Councilman <br /> Ranallo agreed with the Manager, saying "We have enough trouble <br /> maintaining the streets. " <br /> Motion by Councilman Letourneau and seconded by Councilman Ranallo <br /> to table action on the request for additional sidewalks for the <br /> Apache Shopping Center area and have the Manager notify Ruth Welch <br /> of Apache Plaza. <br /> Voting on the motion: <br /> f <br /> Aye: Letourneau and Ranallo <br /> Abstention: Marks <br /> Motion carried. <br /> The question of whether the temporary bingo licens�,requested for <br /> the St. Charles Mardi Gras could be granted was researched by Mr. <br /> Soth, whose opinion was that such a license is not required if _ <br /> less than five such- sessions are held within a year. <br /> Motion by Councilman Letourneau and seconded -by -Councilman Marks <br /> to grant a one-day "3..2 beer- permit <br /> for the .St. Charles Mardi Gras, . <br /> February .17, and to authorize -the bingo- .game operation during that <br /> event. <br /> r <br /> Motion carried. unanimously. <br /> - The Council noted and� ordered .failed the February - 6 response from <br /> the school -district -to the' Manager's questions -regarding the heating <br /> of Parkview for evening meetings., and the- 1979 investment report .from <br /> the Clerk/Treasurer.. 'Mrs:..;J_-Johnson. was commended :for. -the improve- a: <br /> ments- she had initiated .for: -the City'-s:,.investments <br /> Also rioted and filed were the -December Police~"Department -report, the <br /> January Fire Department report, and:'the Manager:s.:,-assessment of- the <br /> :recent developments inpolice radio -serv-ice.. The:Chairman. relayed <br /> • the Mayor's request that. the :name of Bob, Berg be.-'placed -before them x <br /> 'for appointment to the Advisory .Committ6e to the 'City Health Board, <br /> but was unable to answer Councilman`.Marks' '.question-as to the..ap- . <br /> ipointee' s expertise in the field of -public -'.health. Motion by, Council- \� <br /> man Ranallo and seconded by Councilman Marks --to appoint,-Bob Berg, <br />